
  I made the patch for an XKB rules file that makes new layouts used
by default. (Assigned number # 5490).

  The patch also includes changes for an xkbfile library which allow to group
some names (of models, layouts and varinats) into a one named list.  The name
of such list then can be used in any rule instead of single name.
  It allows to reduce significantly a number of rules.

  Since some maps still missed in the new maps set (and they are too
complicated to make corresponded single group maps in short time) I added
a special list of such layouts.  The layouts from this list will be composed
using old rules.  For all other layouts new rules will be applied.

  It also gives some kind of a fallback.  One can add any layout name in this
list and get the layout composed in old way.

 Ivan U. Pascal         |   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Administrator of     |   Tomsk State University
     University Network |       Tomsk, Russia
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