
> So currently, the Xlib keyboard customization (including compose) all exists 
> on the client side, but the XKB customization (not including compose) exists 
> more on the server side. You want to allow end-users (sitting in front of the 
> Xserver) to be able to configure the compose on the client side. You end up 
> with a similar problem as the Xkb stuff described above, where the client 
> side only has a filename for it's key to the database, but limited ability to 
> send real data.

No, those problems are a bit different.
First of a client side *has* ability to load a file (as a compiled keymap)
into a server.
But most important thing is that when one client has chosen right name(s)
and sent them to a server and server has found and loaded those files then
all clients just get the map from the server independently on where they are
running.  In this case the server distributes a complete map that is enough
for an applications work.

But if the server distributes a *name* of Compose file only (and each client
has to find and read this file from its local directory tree) there is not
guaranty that each client machine has such file.

> However, Locale Independance sounds like it would be fairly easy to implement 
> and have the added benefit of removing one of the keyboard configuration 
> methods.

What do you mean with "one of the keyboard configuration methods"?

> I imagine that would reduce the frustration of users. However, I 
> don't totally understand your explaination here:
> > If the result of a compose rule ia a keysym only Xlibhas to convert it to a
> > string according to the current locale in the way used for usual key
> > press/release events.  It this case one compose files can be used for
> > different locales and depends on a keybord map only.
> It seems like you're saying that instead of using a locale, the compose config 
> would be chosen as a result of the keymap chosen. If that's true, that sounds 
> like a great solution to the Locale problem.

I didn't mean the compose file will be chosen automaticaly with the keymap
choice.  I just meant the compose file choice *depends* on keyboard layout
choice.  And a user will have the same compose rules for different locales
(it's quite real situation if one uses C locale for some applications and
en_US.UTF-8 for others).

> Unless per-user customization is really, really pressing, I wouldn't add it 
> outside of the "ideal" Xkb solution.
> What do you think?

I think I will anyway. :-)

 Ivan U. Pascal         |   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Administrator of     |   Tomsk State University
     University Network |       Tomsk, Russia
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