On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 05:48:11PM +0200, Axel Wagner wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Yes, hjk; is on the homerow, that is, you don't have to take your hands of
> your keyboard, while typing, to navigate your windows.

Yes, I know the concept. But, unfortunately and at least in my case, ';'
is not on the homerow.

I don't mind having to adjust .i3/config. What I don't understand is why
is shifted. Is it to make room for Mod+h (horizontal) and make it

Sorry, but to me, it doesn't make sense to use 'jkl;' in i3 and jump to
all vi-based apps and use 'hjkl'. Of course, I can configure all
programs to use 'jkl;' too (ksh in vi-mode, vimperator, xxxterm, mutt,
vim itself, muttator, etc.), but this is even more non-sense.

> I personally don't care that much about “historical reasons”, the whole
> qwertz-layout-thing is due to “historical reasons” and it sucks ;)

Yes but it's what we have available. I never saw a non-QWERTY layout
with my own eyes.

Thank you.

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