Hi Daniel,

Quoting Daniel Bolgheroni (2012-04-26 21:55:01)
> Yes, I know the concept. But, unfortunately and at least in my case, ';'
> is not on the homerow.
Axel already mentioned that you should be presented with i3-config-wizard on
your first start of i3, which will generate an i3 config based on keyboard
codes instead of keyboard symbols. So, in that config file, whichever key is on
your homerow ends up being the "focus right" key.

> I don't mind having to adjust .i3/config. What I don't understand is why
> is shifted. Is it to make room for Mod+h (horizontal) and make it
> coherent?
It is shifted because your fingers are supposed to rest in that position.

> Sorry, but to me, it doesn't make sense to use 'jkl;' in i3 and jump to
> all vi-based apps and use 'hjkl'. Of course, I can configure all
> programs to use 'jkl;' too (ksh in vi-mode, vimperator, xxxterm, mutt,
> vim itself, muttator, etc.), but this is even more non-sense.
You could use the arrow keys in these applications. The arrow keys are
comfortable reachable in decent keyboard layouts such as neo-layout.org.

> Yes but it's what we have available. I never saw a non-QWERTY layout
> with my own eyes.
How would you *see* what layout people are using? I don’t care what’s printed
on my keys ;-).

Best regards,

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