Hi Tobias,

Tobias Frilling <tob...@frilling-online.de> writes:
> So, does anybody have any idea how I can investigate this any further?
I compared your xmodmap -pke output with mine, and it is different like

keycode  10 = 1 degree 1 degree onesuperior onesubscript ordfeminine
NoSymbol notsign

keycode  10 = 1 degree onesuperior onesubscript ordfeminine NoSymbol

I’m using revision 2332 of the neo2 xmodmap file to load the
layout. Maybe that makes a difference?

Also, I’m unclear on whether you have any trouble _within_ i3 or just
with i3-config-wizard. If the former: please provide a log, see
http://i3wm.org/docs/debugging.html. If the latter: just don’t use
i3-config-wizard for now?

Best regards,

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