Hi Tobias,

Tobias Frilling <tob...@frilling-online.de> writes:
>> Also, I’m unclear on whether you have any trouble _within_ i3 or just
>> with i3-config-wizard.
> I'm having trouble within i3. I've got Mod4 as the leader for anything 
> related to moving focus or spawning terminals, so this bug is a deal breaker.
>> If the former: please provide a log, [...]
> http://codepad.org/HzRDvnkX
> I'm just starting i3 and pressing Mod4+Return a couple of times.
In your logfile, in line 1009, the keybindings are re-grabbed, this time
with the correct mapping (presumably you load your layout manually after
starting i3).

AFAICT, the mapping is correct:

2014-04-14 15:33:30 - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol 
"Return" to 1 keycode
2014-04-14 15:33:30 - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with 
modifiers 64 (with mod_mask_lock 66)

This is exactly the same line that I get in my log, and it works just
fine for me.

Are you sure that you have neither caps lock nor num lock pressed by
accident? Also, what is the output of “xev” when you start it and press

I also noticed that the Return keybinding in your “xmodmap -pke” output
only has symbols for the first two layers:

keycode  36 = Return NoSymbol Return

Maybe try defining the upper layers too? For me it looks like this:

keycode  36 = Return Return Return Return KP_Enter KP_Enter Return Return

Also, maybe try this with a fresh user account, or booting from a live
system? I am pretty sure this is a configuration problem of some sort,
since there are many many i3 users with strange layouts and there were
no bug reports like what you are reporting in the last couple of years.

Best regards,

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