To reply would require naming names, times, and places. I prefer not to get 
that personal. The issues I refer to have been discussed at length by others in 
the past. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 24, 2016, at 5:31 AM, Walter Bender <> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 2:40 AM, Caryl Bigenho <> wrote:
>> Hi All….
>> Busy time for us so I haven't had a chance to chime in on the motion for 
>> "dues." I personally do not care to contribute any unearmarked funds to 
>> SugarLabs. I am not at all pleased at the way funds have been carelessly 
>> disbursed to a select few in the past and feel no need to send my good money 
>> off to be used in a similar fashion.
> This is a serious accusation. (A) I am not aware of any carelessly disbursed 
> funds; (B) you recently suggested (in a comment on the Financial Manager 
> motion) that the earmarked funds should be spent on whatever we want, since 
> "times change", a notion I strongly object to. I would appreciate a 
> clarification.
> regards.
> -walter
>> Every year at tax time we enumerate our contributions in support of 
>> SugarLabs, and other sub-organizations, and I can assure you they are 
>> substantial They include such things as expenses to attend conferences, 
>> booth banners, printing costs for hand-outs etc. We reach hundreds of 
>> potential Sugar users and, occasionally, potential Sugar  "contributors." 
>> Meanwhile, SugarLabs funds are freely distributed to others to cover their 
>> expenses to do similar things and other things that have far smaller 
>> "returns on investment." So, although I cannot vote on this (since I am not 
>> a member of SLOB), I do want to voice my opposition to this motion.
>> I am not alone in this.  
>> I think if it passes you will lose many members who are strong supporters of 
>> Sugar and open source but feel, as I do, that SugarLabs is not the only way 
>> to do it. Put simply, they will "vote with their feet."
>> I have no objection to contributing something "in kind" in lieu of dues… a 
>> new banner, some clever swag or the like to use in marketing Sugar and 
>> SugarLabs. But, dues… no thanks!
>> Caryl
>> From:
>> Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 10:00:14 -0400
>> To:
>> CC:
>> Subject: Re: [IAEP] Fwd: Re: [SLOBS] Motion: Solicit Membership Donations + 
>> Public Statements
>> Hi!
>> On 23 May 2016 at 09:44, Tony Anderson <> wrote:
>> I am not aware of any method to donate money to Sugar Labs. I understand we 
>> need to make the donations to SFC and somehow have the money arrive in our 
>> funds. 
>> That's right. 
>> The #1 service for member projects listed at 
>> is:
>> Tax-Deductible, Earmarked Donations
>> Member projects can receive earmarked donations through Conservancy. Since 
>> Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) charity incorporated in New York, donors can 
>> often deduct the donation on their USA taxes. Additionally, the donors can 
>> indicate that their donation should be used to advance a specific member 
>> project, and those funds are kept in a separate account for the member 
>> project by Conservancy. This structure prevents developers from having to 
>> commingle project funds with their own personal accounts or having to set up 
>> their own project specific account.
>> Since Conservancy is a tax-exempt organization, there are some limits that 
>> the law places on what member projects can do with their assets, but those 
>> limits are the same as if the project was an independent non-profit entity. 
>> Usually, the project leadership instructs Conservancy's leadership on how 
>> the project's funds are spent. Conservancy spends these funds on the 
>> project's behalf on any expenses that constitute appropriate activity under 
>> Conservancy's 501(c)(3) not-for-profit mission. Some typical uses of 
>> earmarked donations by Conservancy's member projects are:
>> funding travel expenses for project developers to attend relevant 
>> conferences.
>> domain name fees, bandwidth costs, and computer equipment purchases.
>> purchasing media for distribution of project software at conferences and 
>> events.
>> paying key developers on a contractual basis to improve the project's 
>> software and its documentation.
>> sponsoring and organizing conferences for the project.
>> trademark registration and enforcement.
>> FLOSS license enforcement and compliance activity.
>> says,
>> Donate to Our Member Projects
>> Finally, Conservancy also maintains directed donation programs for its 
>> member projects. Donation links for these directed donation programs are 
>> typically found on the individual websites of our members.
>> says,
>> Mail us a check
>> Please make your check payable to:
>> Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
>> and place this note in the memo field:
>> Directed donation: Sugar Labs
>> Checks should then be mailed to:
>> Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
>> 137 MONTAGUE ST STE 380
>> Brooklyn, NY 11201-3548
>> USA
>> This needs to be made very clear on the web site.
>> Sure :) Please draft something for what you think should be on the website 
>> donation page :)
>> I am not referring to 'lying', I am referring to asking the question. If it 
>> is a donation, a person can donate what they feel comfortable with.
>> I don't understand your point :)
>> -- 
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> _______________________________________________ IAEP -- It's An Education 
>> Project (not a laptop project!) 
> -- 
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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