EVENING TALK 2002-2003 


Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2003  

Time: 5:00 pm


Libra Ballroom, Executive Club

Jakarta Hilton

Jl. Jen. Gatot Subroto, Jkt. Slt.


"Subsurface Risk and Uncertainty

Assessment in Petroleum Exploration -

The Challenges"


Speaker: Gordon Knox, Exploration

Consultant, Balzan, Malta



1968  University College, University of London, UK, B.Sc (Hons) Geology

1972  University of Liverpool, UK Ph.D Geology


1971 to 1999 Acquired 28 years International experience with Royal Dutch/Shell group, 
exploring for oil and gas in a broad range of locations. Experience included working 
and residing in the Netherlands, Nigeria, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Thailand, 
Sultanate of Oman and Australia. Regional advisory roles were held for African, Middle 
Eastern, and South Asian basins and in risk and uncertainty assessment of prospects 
and leads globally. Work environments included land and marine operations, head office 
and research and technology centers. Held a variety of positions including Research 
Geologist, Team Geologist, Chief Geologist, Regional Geological Advisor, Research & 
Technology Manager, and Exploration Manager. Author of several publications.



Exploration Consultant with particular interest in risk and uncertainty assessment in 
petroleum basins and prospects.

Visiting Lecturer in Applied Geology at the University of Malta, Malta.

Associate consultant with Zawiyah Associates, London, UK


American Association of Petroleum Geologists

Fellow of the Geological Society 

Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain

Knox Web site: www.explorationconsultant.com



Suggestions and volunteers for talks are always welcome. Topics should be relevant to 
exploration and production in Indonesia and/or be of interest to a wide range of 
disciplines. Please contact the Luncheon Talks Chairman, Peter Butterworth, at VICO 
Indonesia, phone (021) 523-6018,e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and/or [EMAIL PROTECTED]


COST:  Rp. 115.000,00 (IPA Prof. Div. Member) or Rp. 135.000,00 (Non IPA Prof. Div. 
Member) excluding drinks, payable at the entrance of the Libra Ballroom; payment in 
cash is preferred. 


·            Reservations and cancellations will be accepted until 15:30 hours on 
Monday, November 10, 2003. Phones: 572.4284/5/6; fax: 572.4259; e-mail: [EMAIL 


·            No reservations and cancellations will be accepted after this time.

·         Members of the Ikatan Ahli Geologi (IAGI) (The Indonesian Association of 
Geologists) and Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI), Himpunan Ahli 
Geophysicist Indonesia (HAGI) are welcome.



      Please make sure that if you hold a reservation and are unable to attend that 
you notify

      the IPA Office as soon as possible otherwise you will be charged for cost of the 


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