Menyusul e-mail Pak Eddy Subroto,
ini abstrak kami. 
Ilmu baru tentang aplikasi tafonomi moluska..semoga ada manfaatnya. Amin.
Presentasi sudah terlaksana selasa lalu di Cairo University, seperti umumnya 
ilmu baru...banyak yang nanya qqqq.

Source Rocks Evaluation on Brown Shale, Pematang Group, Central Sumatra Basin: 
Details Sedimentary cycles analysis based on Taphonomic study of Lacustrine 
Aswan1, Yahdi Zaim1, Yan Rizal1, A.K. Aditya Pradana2
1)Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Earth Science and 
Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung, 
40132, Indonesia. Email address:
2)Graduated from Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Earth Science 
and Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung, 
40132, Indonesia.
Lacustrine sediment of Pematang Group in Central Sumatra Basin has been studied 
based on its out crops in Kiliran Jao area, West Sumatra Province at Sumatra 
and surrounding area known as Tethyan realm at least until middle-Tertiary. 
Oligocene rock unit has been found in this area rich with organic matters 
recognized as source rock for giant hydrocarbon basin of Central Sumatra. 
Previous study interpreted this source rock unit thickness and volume according 
to seismic and log data represent 3rd – 4th order sedimentary cycle. 
Sedimentation cycles study of the rock unit in this area based on Taphonomic 
Molluscs analysis in terms of sequence stratigraphy, specify thickness of each 
cycle in more detail as controlled by 6th order of 23.000 years Milankovitch 
Cycle. In this study, 58 cycles could be identified with 100 – 150 mm 
thicknesses, as represented by the molluscs contain in the rock unit. Based on 
characteristics of shell concentrationsobserved in
 the rock unit, 4 type’s system tracts can be determined. 1. Early TST 
(Transgressive System Tract) which characterized by a distinct basal erosional 
surface, dominant fragmented shells (suggesting reworking of previous deposited 
sediments) and concretion; 2. Late TST recognized by a hiatal concentration 
formed from continued lake level rise, high percentages of gastropod shells in 
life position and was accumulated during times of high rates of production of 
biogenics hard parts and low sediment rates; 3. Early HST (Highstand Sytems 
Tract) identified by unfragmented mollusc fossil shells in life position or 
transported condition, juvenile molluscs due to the decreased of accommodation 
space that caused mollusc could not grow perfectly; and 4.Late HST delineated 
by the multiple-event concentrations of abundant fragmented fossils layers and 
relatively barren-fossil layers.

From: Eddy Subroto <>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 10:31:54 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Re: [Geo_unpad] Jan Reerink (1871) dan Tantangan 
Eksplorasi Jawa

Mas Awang dan Mas Herman,

Ah, Anda-anda bisa saja. Biasa siapnya 100% ya kalau sudah dekat saatnya.
Ini saya lampirkan abstraknya ya.


Eddy A. Subroto and Dardji Noeradi

Department of Geology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Jalan Ganesa
10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia. Email first author:


Seram Island is situated in the eastern part of Indonesia. Geologically,
its position is in the northern part of the Australian continental margin.
During this study, a series of rock and oil samples have been collected
and analysed. The rock samples were obtained from exploration wells as
well as from surface (outcrops). The crude oils were mainly collected from
exploration wells and some from seepages.

In general, geochemical characteristics of source rocks in eastern
Indonesia are different compared with those in the western part. The main
period of source rock deposition in Seram Island and also in the eastern
Indonesia is from the Triassic to Early Jurassic time. Two source types
have been observed; first is sediments consisting of turbidity and shale
sequence with a high content of plant remains (Kanikeh/Dalan Formations)
and the second is dark grey limestone and shale sequences
(Geghan/Saman-Saman Formations). Low to medium API crude oils (24.90 to
25.50) were encountered in the island. They have high sulphur content,
aromatic intermediate and low wax content. It has been interpreted that
the crude oils were derived from the Jurassic-Triassic calcareous shale

Beside source rock, other petroleum system components also exist in the
Seram Island. Sealing clays are widely present in the Triassic Kanikeh
Formation, which has a regional distribution. Thrusting in this island
used the Triassic Kanikeh Formation as a detachment horizon. Potential of
minor quality seals also occur in the marls of the Late Mesozoic and Early
Tertiary Nief Beds, and in the clays and marls of the Neogene basin
deposits. Traps in the Seram thrust belt consist of large blocks that are
tectonically surrounded at all sides by Triassic and younger clays and
marls. In the thrust belt of Seram, these traps have fully developed.


> Wah beruntung orang-orang Mesir, Yunani dll. bisa dengar presentasi
> orang-orang top Indonesia dan lihat poster-poster mengenai Indonesia.
> Bagaimana dengan kita orang-orang IAGI,.. bisa lihat paper bapak-bapak
> sekalian? Atau kita hanya bisa lihat judulnya saja? Maaf agak menyindir,
> ...sebab saya ingin sekali melihat publikasi-publikasi ini, tapi sayangnya
> tidak bisa pergi ke Mesir dan ke Yunani.
> Salam,
> Herman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eddy Subroto []
> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 6:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Re: [Geo_unpad] Jan Reerink (1871) dan
> Tantangan Eksplorasi Jawa
> Terima kasih Pak Awang atas doanya. Travel kami sedang mengusahakan visa
> Pak Dardji dapat dikejar sehingga Pak dardji akan dapat berangkat bersama.
> Keputusannya insya Allah besok, Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009. Terima kasih sekali
> lagi atas doa Anda.
> He he, di antara kami sendiri (terutama Pak Dardji dan Pak Zaim) masih ada
> ketidaksinkronan masalah Tethys ini.
> Wasalam,
>> Pak Eddy,
>> Semoga Pak Dardji mendapatkan visa Mesir-nya sebelum rencana
>> keberangkatan, sedang was-was dalam penantian dong ya Pak Dardji saat
>> ini.
>> Untung saat saya batal berangkat ke pertemuan AAPG di Athena tahun 2007
>> karena visa Yunani terlambat keluar, ada Pak Eddy dan Pak Dardji yang
>> telah berbaik hati mau repot membawa poster saya yang sudah siap,
>> menempelkannya di pertemuan Athena itu, dan melayani para penanyanya.
>> Kalau tidak, saya akan dikenakan sanksi "no show" 3 tahun oleh AAPG.
>> Soal simposium di Kairo itu menarik sekali kelihatannya, semoga banyak
>> pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang bisa Pak Eddy dkk. dapatkan. Indonesia
>> tentu merupakan salah satu jejak Tethys (paleo-, meso-, ceno/neo-Tethys)
>> realm yang penting.
>> Have a good and safe trip,
>> awang
>> --- On Fri, 3/13/09, Eddy Subroto <> wrote:
>> From: Eddy Subroto <>
>> Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Re: [Geo_unpad] Jan Reerink (1871) dan
>> Tantangan
>> Eksplorasi Jawa
>> To:
>> Date: Friday, March 13, 2009, 3:38 PM
>> Mas Agus,
>> Mohon maaf kalau saya kurang responsif, karena saya sedang dikejar
>> tenggat
>> untuk beberapa masalah, di samping Geologi ITB sedang musim sidang
>> sarjana. Rupanya Pak Awang sudah "trengginas" menjawab dan karena
>> jawaban
>> Pak Awang sudah lengkap dan bervisi sama dengan saya, maka saya tidak
>> perlu menambahi.
>> Insya Allah, kami dari Teknik Geologi ITB: Pak Zaim, Pak Aswan, Pak
>> Dardji, dan saya akan Kairo, Mesir, untuk mengikuti "The First
>> International Simposium on the Petroleum Systems and Geological
>> Resources
>> in the Tethys Realm" yang akan diadakan pada tanggal 17 sd 24 Maret oleh
>> Universitas Kairo.
>> Pak Aswan, Pak Zaim, dan Pak Yan Rizal akan mempresentasikan makalah
>> berjudul "Source rock evaluation on Brown Shale, Pematang Group, Central
>> Sumatra Basin: details sedimentary cycles analysis based on taphonomic
>> study of lacustrine molluscs."
>> Eddy Subroto dan Dardji Noeradi: "GEOCHEMICAL VIEW OF PETROLEUM SYSTEM
>> IN
>> Dardji Noeradi dan Eddy Subroto: "PETROLEUM SYSTEM MODEL RELATED TO
>> Hanya sayangnya, Pak Dardji yang akan menggunakan paspor hijau, sulit
>> mendapatkan visa. Sampai hari ini (sudah diurus sejak minggu lalu) visa
>> Pak Dardji belum keluar dari Kedubes Mesir, padahal janjinya hanya perlu
>> waktu empat hari kerja. Kasus Pak Awang terulang lagi.
>> Wasalam,
>> EAS
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PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
tunggulah 'call for paper' utk PIT IAGI ke-38!!!
akan dilaksanakan di Semarang
13-14 Oktober 2009
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