Maaf subjectnya sudah lain, jadi saya ganti sekalian.

Awang, apakah full papernya sudah diterbitkan? 

Pak Eddy dan Pak Zaim, bisa minta abstract dan full publicationnya? 



-----Original Message-----
From: Awang Satyana []
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 12:12 PM
Cc: Geo Unpad; Forum HAGI; Eksplorasi BPMIGAS
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Simposium Tethys - Mesir (was : Jan Reerink (1871)

Ayo Pak Eddy dan Pak Zaim, mengikuti saran Herman, silakan "copy & paste" 
-kan" ketiga abstrak yang akan dipresentasikan di Mesir itu di milis kita, 
pasti banyak rekan yang ingin tahu. 
Bila ada rekan2 yang ingin tahu, berikut abstrak2 saya saat pertemuan AAPG di 
Athena (2007) dan Capetown (2008).
AAPG Athena (2007)
Tectonic and Depositional History of Salawati Basin, Papua - Indonesia : 
Implications to the Occurrences of Miocene Kais Carbonate Play Types
awang harun satyana, Government of Indonesia’s Implementing Body for Upstream 
Oil and Gas Business (BPMIGAS), Jakarta, Indonesia 
Salawati Basin, Papua in Eastern Indonesia has been producing oil and gas from 
Miocene carbonate reservoirs for almost sixty years. First discovery occurred 
in 1936 from Klamono structure of Late Miocene Kais carbonate reefal build-up 
(later called as Kasim play type). Important discoveries occurred during 1970s 
when the basin was intensively explored. Many fields of carbonate build-ups 
were discovered, including the Kasim and Walio fields which ever became the 
biggest oil producers in Southeast Asia for build-up play. Significant 
discoveries occurred again during 1990s when discoveries of Matoa, Southwest 
“O”, and “Matoa-20” took place. Their plays are different : faulted Kais 
platform carbonates (Matoa play type), subtle very low-relief Kais build-up 
(Southwest “O” play type) and subtle intra-Kais platform build-up (Matoa-20 
play type). Recent exploration activities in the Salawati Basin still targeting 
all of these plays. 
Salawati Basin underwent tectonic reversal during the Miocene-Pliocene as a 
response to the advent of the Sorong Fault megashear. During this period, the 
tilting of the basin rotated clockwisely from tilting southward, through 
southwestward, and eventually northward. The Kais platform development and 
carbonate sedimentation were strongly controlled by this basin's polarity 
change. Most of the Matoa-20 and Southwest “O” play types developed in the 
lagoonal facies when the basin tilted southward. Growth of the classical Kasim 
play type occurred when substrates of the reefal build-ups subsided slightly 
due to the change of basin's polarity southwestward. As the basin rapidly 
tilted northward, compensating faults were formed and resulted in faulted 
platform of Matoa play type. 

AAPG Capetown (2008)

awang harun satyana, Government of Indonesia’s Implementing Body for Upstream 
Oil and Gas Business (BPMIGAS), Jakarta, Indonesia

Aromatic Methylphenanthrene Biomarker and Maturity of Oils 
Keys to Identifying New Active Source Rocks in the Salawati Basin, Indonesia

Salawati Basin, Indonesia is an asymmetric foreland basin with a foredeep 
kitchen bordered by deformed zone of the Sorong Fault. Early-migrated and 
moderate to heavy oils distribute in the updip area, whereas late-migrated and 
light oils and gas distribute in downdip area approaching the kitchen. The 
hydrocarbon sources have been Miocene Kais and Klasafet mudstones and shales. 
The sources are increasingly deeply buried from updip to downdip area, causing 
oils increasingly mature from updip to downdip area. 

The maturity of oils from updip to downdip area is shown by vitrinite 
reflectance equivalent (VRE) of oil derived from formulation of intensity of 
aromatic biomarker of methylphenanthrene (MP)  (m/z 192). The MP index (MPI) 
and VRE of oils are increasingly higher towards the downdip area showing that 
oils are increasingly mature (existing MPI data range from 1.1 to 1.6 or VRE 
from 0.9 to 1.4 %). However, at the Sorong deformed zone, there are oil seeps 
which do not follow the characteristic pattern. They show MPI of 0.52 or VRE of 
 0.7 %. This is peculiar since these seeps, if they were sourced by 
Kais/Klasafet, should have the highest maturity in the basin because the source 
rocks in this area are maximum buried and they have entered overmature window 
as proved by the occurrence of high CO2 gas nearby due to thermal degradation 
of Kais carbonate. 
The presence of low maturity oil seeps in the Salawati foredeep kitchen shows 
that the oils should had been sourced by younger rocks than Kais/Klasafet rocks 
and should be in the upper oil window. The expected source is early Pliocene 
Lower Klasaman shales which have significant terrestrial input than those of 
Kais/Klasafet. The terrestrial input of Klasaman sources is proved by biomarker 
and isotopes.  
Therefore, based on oil geochemistry, we have identified Lower Klasaman shales 
as additional source in the petroleum system of the Salawati Basin. 
Sedimentologic and structural evaluation of the Klasaman sources will determine 
the generation capacity of this formation.  Preliminary volumetric calculation 
shows that total 2000 MMBO and/or 3000 BCFG from Lower Klasaman sources could 
be trapped. 

--- On Fri, 3/13/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Re: [Geo_unpad] Jan Reerink (1871) dan Tantangan 
Eksplorasi Jawa
Date: Friday, March 13, 2009, 5:33 PM

Wah beruntung orang-orang Mesir, Yunani dll. bisa dengar presentasi orang-orang
top Indonesia dan lihat poster-poster mengenai Indonesia.
Bagaimana dengan kita orang-orang IAGI,.. bisa lihat paper bapak-bapak
sekalian? Atau kita hanya bisa lihat judulnya saja? Maaf agak menyindir,
...sebab saya ingin sekali melihat publikasi-publikasi ini, tapi sayangnya tidak
bisa pergi ke Mesir dan ke Yunani.



-----Original Message-----
From: Eddy Subroto []
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Re: [Geo_unpad] Jan Reerink (1871) dan
Tantangan Eksplorasi Jawa

Terima kasih Pak Awang atas doanya. Travel kami sedang mengusahakan visa
Pak Dardji dapat dikejar sehingga Pak dardji akan dapat berangkat bersama.
Keputusannya insya Allah besok, Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009. Terima kasih sekali
lagi atas doa Anda.

He he, di antara kami sendiri (terutama Pak Dardji dan Pak Zaim) masih ada
ketidaksinkronan masalah Tethys ini.

> Pak Eddy,
> Semoga Pak Dardji mendapatkan visa Mesir-nya sebelum rencana
> keberangkatan, sedang was-was dalam penantian dong ya Pak Dardji saat ini.
> Untung saat saya batal berangkat ke pertemuan AAPG di Athena tahun 2007
> karena visa Yunani terlambat keluar, ada Pak Eddy dan Pak Dardji yang
> telah berbaik hati mau repot membawa poster saya yang sudah siap,
> menempelkannya di pertemuan Athena itu, dan melayani para penanyanya.
> Kalau tidak, saya akan dikenakan sanksi "no show" 3 tahun oleh
> Soal simposium di Kairo itu menarik sekali kelihatannya, semoga banyak
> pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang bisa Pak Eddy dkk. dapatkan. Indonesia
> tentu merupakan salah satu jejak Tethys (paleo-, meso-, ceno/neo-Tethys)
> realm yang penting.
> Have a good and safe trip,
> awang
> --- On Fri, 3/13/09, Eddy Subroto <> wrote:
> From: Eddy Subroto <>
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Re: [Geo_unpad] Jan Reerink (1871) dan Tantangan
> Eksplorasi Jawa
> To:
> Date: Friday, March 13, 2009, 3:38 PM
> Mas Agus,
> Mohon maaf kalau saya kurang responsif, karena saya sedang dikejar tenggat
> untuk beberapa masalah, di samping Geologi ITB sedang musim sidang
> sarjana. Rupanya Pak Awang sudah "trengginas" menjawab dan
> jawaban
> Pak Awang sudah lengkap dan bervisi sama dengan saya, maka saya tidak
> perlu menambahi.
> Insya Allah, kami dari Teknik Geologi ITB: Pak Zaim, Pak Aswan, Pak
> Dardji, dan saya akan Kairo, Mesir, untuk mengikuti "The First
> International Simposium on the Petroleum Systems and Geological Resources
> in the Tethys Realm" yang akan diadakan pada tanggal 17 sd 24 Maret
> Universitas Kairo.
> Pak Aswan, Pak Zaim, dan Pak Yan Rizal akan mempresentasikan makalah
> berjudul "Source rock evaluation on Brown Shale, Pematang Group,
> Sumatra Basin: details sedimentary cycles analysis based on taphonomic
> study of lacustrine molluscs."
> Eddy Subroto dan Dardji Noeradi: "GEOCHEMICAL VIEW OF PETROLEUM
> Dardji Noeradi dan Eddy Subroto: "PETROLEUM SYSTEM MODEL RELATED TO
> Hanya sayangnya, Pak Dardji yang akan menggunakan paspor hijau, sulit
> mendapatkan visa. Sampai hari ini (sudah diurus sejak minggu lalu) visa
> Pak Dardji belum keluar dari Kedubes Mesir, padahal janjinya hanya perlu
> waktu empat hari kerja. Kasus Pak Awang terulang lagi.
> Wasalam,

PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
tunggulah 'call for paper' utk PIT IAGI ke-38!!!
akan dilaksanakan di Semarang
13-14 Oktober 2009
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PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
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akan dilaksanakan di Semarang
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