Pak mungkin bisa dilihat kemana perginya di RAPBN.
Pendapatan sektor migas katanya cuma 20-30 % RAPBN.
Tanpa melihat ketidak efisienan dan korupsi yang terjadi, kita juga 
mungkin harus menyadari bahwa pengeluaran negara yang rakyatnya 230 jt 
sangat besar..
Benar bahwa kalau korupsi dan ketidak efisienan bisa dikurangi kita 
mungkin masih bisa tidak berhutang kemana mana, tapi mengandalkan sektor 
migas buat membiayai negara duitnya tidak akan cukup. 
Ngomong ngomong, dimana bisa didapat RAPBN 2010 atau 2011, nyari di 
internet enggak nemu.

"Sugeng Hartono" <> 
10.06.2010 06:44
Please respond to

"Ong HL DSc S'pura" <>
[iagi-net-l] Where have all the fruits of our hard work gone?

The Jakarta Post (1 September 1999):

Debt, proceeds from oil.
Our high-ranking state official have secured from the Consultative Group 
Indonesia (CGI) fresh loan worth a total of US$ 5,9 billion.
These loans will be enough to cover the deficit in our 2000 to 2001 
It is still a big question mark how we should ever be able to repay our 
debt, which now ammount to over US$ 150 billion. Reportedly these loans 
no longer designated for the construction of roads or bridges as part of 
loan is allocated to feed people. My impression is the government is now 
pursuing the policy of "borrowing from Paul to pay Peter".
The huge size of the fresh loans ($5,9 billion) has remained me of a 
(hopefully this is not true) about "In-efficiency" worth of $ 6.1 billion 
(Rp 43 T) in the state own enterprise handling the oil and gas matter. I 
wish that all state own enterprises were properly run, then we would not 
have this "in-efficiency" and the government would have to go in to big 
trouble to tray to find fresh loan woth $5,9 billion.

As a geologist working in the oil and gas sector, I know that our country 
rich in oil and gas deposit, from Aceh in the northern part of Sumaatra to 

Irian Jaya as well as, also in the water around Natuna. My friends, the 
drilling workers have worked night and days despite the glaring sun, down 
pour, strong wind, and even huge waves just to make sure that drilling 
are safe and successful. Many oil companies have found new oil fields in a 

number of sites and I myself have often seen with my own eyes how oil 
forth after a production test in a new oil field. This means that 
Indonesians, particulary in the oil and gas sector have made great 
achivements in this respect and therefore contributed substantially to the 

state. On paper, the economy of the country should be good and the people 
live in prosperity. However, things are the other way around.
Where have all the fruits of our hard work gone? Where have all the 
from our natural wealth gone? Why do our high-ranking state official keep 
acquiring fresh loans? Lets reflect upon this simple the meaningful 
philosophical adage of "living beyond your station that life entitles you 
to" or another one which reads "the beams are not enough to support the 
Sugeng Hartono, Jakarta Selatan

Rekan-rekan Yth,
Tulisan ini saya buat sebagai respon karena bbrp pejabat tinggi Negara 
mencari pinjaman ke Paris.

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ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
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