Sepertinya mereka juga tahu bahwa mereka telah mencemari. namun untuk
referensi perlu data yang akurat tentang seberapa banyak pencemarannya atau
seberapa besar klaim yang diajukan. Kalau tanpa data survey atau yg paling
pas foto sattelite ya kategorinya ngawur !

Nanti dikhawatiran ada telor udang tercemari, tapi diklaim seharga lobster

Sebenernya saat ini penggunaan survey penelitian ilmiah dalam klaim sudah
umum terjadi. Seperti misalnya yang namanya landas continen itu merujuk pada
relatif ketebalan sedimen terhadap lereng (beda tinggi). Tanpa adanya
drilling atau seismic pengeboran yg menunjukkan ketebalan sedimen kita ga
bisa ngeklaim landas continent.


On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 3:54 PM, yanto R.Sumantri <> wrote:

> Saya kira bagus saja , tapi tentu harus ada perhitungan yang dapat
> dibuktikan secara faktual. Jangan ampai kita dikatgorikan
> "memeras".
> si Abah> *
> rejects Indonesia&rsquo;s $2.3b compensation demand*
> >
> >
> Friday, August 27, 2010 - 09:23AM GMT+7
> >
> > Thai oil, gas
> firm PTTEP Australasia Pty Ltd has rejected the Indonesian
> >
> government&rsquo;s demand to pay compensation amounting to US$2.3 billion
> for an
> > oil spill in the Timor Sea last year, Kontan daily
> reported Friday.
> >
> > Freddy Numberi, the chairman of the
> team for the handling of the oil
> > spill,
> > said in
> Jakarta on Thursday the Indonesian government would not change the
> > compensation claim despite the Thai company&rsquo;s rejection.
> >
> > Freddy, who is also the minister of transportation, said
> that it was a big
> > mistake if the Thai company turned down the
> claim demand because it was
> > made
> > on the actual loss
> caused by the oil spill.
> >
> > According to Freddy, the
> West Atlas block in offshore Montara, Australia
> > operated by
> PTTEP Australasia, leaked uncontrollably for more than 70
> >
> days,
> > polluting waters off West Timor. The oil spill also
> destroyed fish stocks
> > and wiped out seaweed farm along the
> coast.
> >
> > &ldquo;I have an instructed the Indonesian
> negotiation team not to change the
> > claim,&rdquo; he said.
> >
> > Indonesia officially filed its request to the Thai
> company to pay the
> > compensation over the oil spill in the Timor
> Sea during a negotiation held
> > in Perth early this week. The
> claim also includes the damages on the
> > ecosystem and the
> opportunity losses for the next few years that would be
> > suffered
> by local fishermen because of the oil spill. (*)
> >
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Nganyerikeun hate batur hirupna mo bisa campur, ngangeunahkeun hate
> jalma hirupna pada ngupama , Elmu tungtut dunya siar Ibadah kudu lakonan.

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