Pak Koesoemadinata

Saya tertarik
dengan status EMERETUS MEMBER.
Aoakah dapat diterangkan apa kriteria
dan apa saja kewajiban dan haknya.?
Mungkin IAGI dapat
mengaplikasikan ini , mengingat banyak anggotaIAGI yang karena usiannya
(dan dibarengi berkurangnya fasilitas yang dim,iliki) tidak dapat
melakukan kewajiban - nya sebagai anggota IAGI yang aktif).


   Saya dan Pak Nayoan mendapatkan
penghargaan dalam bentuk "Special
> Commendation Award" 
(yang kemudian disetarakan dengan Distinguished
> ServiceAward)
dari AAPG pada AAPG International Conference and Exhibition di
Kuala Lumpur tahun 1995 dengan citation sebagai berikut:
"To Prajatna Koesoemadinata for his 34 years of distinguished service
> professor, consultant and author, and for the advancement of
the science
> ofm petroleum geology in Indonesia" Di Malaysia
penghargaan ini diberikan pada
> Prof. Hutchinson. Hanya tidak ada
pemberitaan mengenai hal ini di Indonesia
> kecuali di AAPG The
Explorer. Sampai kini saya masih Emeritus Member of
> BTW Dalam rangka peringatan IAGI 50 tahun pada
Icebreaker Party PIT IAGI
> ke-39 di Hotel Sentosa Senggigi Beach
Lombok tgl 22 Nopember 2010 yang
> lalu, sayapun mendapatkan
piagam penghargaan yang serupa sebagai pelopor,
> pemerintis dan
pengembang ilmu geologi minyak dan gasbumi di Indonesia
> (mirip
dengan dari AAPG, hanya terpaut 15 tahun). Penghargaan ini berikan
> di samping 4 orang anggota IAGI yang lainnya dalam bidangnya
masing-2, Bp.
> Sutaryo Sigit, Bp Muljono Purbohadiwidjojo
(peristilahan geologi), Prof
> Adjat Sudradjat (vulknologi) dan
Prof Suroso (pendidikan geologi). Selain
> itu juga semua para
mantan Ketua IAGI diberikan Piagam Penghargaan. Juga
> pemberian
penghargaan ini tidak ada beritanya
> Sekian tanggapan saya
> Wassalam
> -----
Original Message -----
> To:
> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 2:33
> Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award
for HD
>> Rekan-rekan IAGI,
>> Terima kasih banyak atas ucapan selamat-nya.
>> Saya ingin memberikan sedikit latar belakang mengenai award
>> Kalau dilihat dari 'judul'-nya, Distinguished Service
Award, kata
>> pentingnya adalah SERVICE dan kata intinya
adalah 'to serve'. Dalam
>> bahasa
>> Indonesianya:
melayani, dan pelakunya adalah pelayan atau pembantu. AAPG
bisa berkembang karena banyak 'pembantu-pembantu' yang tidak dibayar
>> bahkan membayar (misalnya: membayar iuran anggota). Sebenarnya
>> mengusulkan saya untuk menerima award ini malah bukan
dari Asia Pacific
>> Region, tetapi dari European Region.
>> WAktu saya datang ke Eropa saya bantu AAPG
European Region untuk membuka
>> student chapters dan
mengkoordinasikan tour lectures. Waktu membantu
>> mahasiswa
Eropa untuk membukan student chapters, saya memperlihatkan apa
>> yang mahasiswa Indonesia lakukan. Aktifitas mahasiswa di
>> memacu
>> semangat mahasiswa-mahasiswa
Eropa untuk turut aktif dalam membuka
>> Student
Chapter, mengorganisasikan field trip, seminar dlsb. Jadi saya ingin
>> mengucapkan terima kasih juga untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang
>> menjadi
>> teladan bagi mahasiswa di
>> Awal dari keterlibatan saya di AAPG
tentunya mulai dari Indonesia. Tahun
>> 1995 saya mendiskusikan
mengenai pembentukan Forum Sedimentologiwan
>> Indonesia (FOSI)
dengan Prof. Yahdi Zaim (mantan pembimbing thesis).
>> kemudian diterima menjadi seksi sedimentologi IAGI, dan mulai
>> regional conference di ITB Bandung tahun 1999. Acara
ini didukung penuh
>> oleh dosen2 dan mahasiswa2 ITB. Rekan M.
Syaiful (sekjen IAGI sekarang)
>> dan Hasan Sidi (Woodside)
adalah orang-orang yang berperan dalam
>> melangsungkan
kegiatan FOSI. Dari 'conference' ini tercetus ide untuk
menyusun buku An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia, kemudian
>> diterbitkan
>> oleh IAGI. Pak Yanto Sumantri (a.k.a.
si Abah) memberikan kepercayaan
>> untuk ide ini (pak Awang
bilang ide jibaku), padahal biayanya
>> berjuta-juta
>> rupiah. Seingat saya dana yang dialokasikan oleh IAGI untuk
>> buku ini bisa untuk beli mobil baru. Meskipun
saya juga banyak
>> menyumbang
>> tulisan kedalam
buku ini, orang sering lupa bahwa setiap chapter ditulis
oleh penulis yang berbeda. Hasan Sidi juga terlibat sebagai co-editor
>> buku
>> ini.
>> Tahun 2005,
AAPG minta saya untuk MEMBANTU Asia Pacific region sebagai
'region president'. Jabatan ini selesai tahun 2008. Kesempatan ini
>> tentunya menarik karena sebagai PEMBANTU saya diberikan
otoritas untuk
>> mengalokasikan dana, presenter, buku dlsb.
Geovani Christopher, mantan
>> AAPG SC Trisakti, banyak
membantu universitas2 lain di Asia Pacific
>> untuk
>> membentuk SC.
>> Banyak sekali
orang-orang Indonesia yang memberikan inspirasi mengenai
aktifitas ini. Maaf saya tidak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu, karena
>> e-mail ini akan menjadi sangat panjang. Setahu saya ada
beberapa orang
>> Indonesia lain yang pernah mendapatkan
penghargaan dari AAPG. Kalau
>> tidak
>> salah Prof.
R. P. Koesoemadinata dan G.A.S Nayoan juga menerima
penghargaan pada tahun 1999. Pak Koesoema mungkin bisa konfirmasi.
>> Salam,
>> ___________
From: F. Hasan Sidi
>>> Sent: Friday, November 26,
2010 1:53
>> PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG
>> Distinguished
Service Award for HD
>>> In case ada
>> belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...
>>> FHS
>>> AAPG awardees to be honored in
>>> Shelton Named Powers
>> Professor, researcher and
visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
>>> awarded the
2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney
>> Powers
>>> Medal.
>>> Joining Shelton
at the top of
>> this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
>>> Smith, exploration vice
>> president for
Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
>>> independent geologist
>> in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding
>> Leadership Award.
>>> Shelton and Smith are among the 42
>> award
winners who have been
>>> announced by AAPG and who will
>> recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual
>> Convention and Exhibition April 10-13
in Houston.
>> AAPG awards,
approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
>> annually to recognize individuals for service to the
profession, the
>>> science, the Association and the
>>> Among
>> Shelton's
achievements over his career is his foresight in the
>> early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the
>>> digital library and publishing program.
His leadership continued
>> the
>>> growth in the
digital library, and an award is in his name
>> that
>>> recognizes the best contribution to the Search and
>> Discovery website
>>> over the year.
>>> Shelton
>> was an early
developer of the concepts and application of
>> sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to
>> exploration, and at Shell
Research was among the pioneers in applying
>>> depositional
environments to prospect definition.
He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State
>>> mentoring many of his master's students
>> distinguished careers.
>>> Working with ERICO and later
>> Masera, Shelton
also was a pioneer in the
>>> concept of
multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
>>> and
>> contributor on major projects in the
North Sea, North Africa, the
>>> Mediterranean, Africa and
>>> Smith is the
fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
>> given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional
>> in the petroleum
>>> Interviews with both
>> Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
>>> EXPLORER, and
>> biographies and citations of
all award winners will be
>>> included
>> in a
future BULLETIN.
>>> Award winners
announced by AAPG
>> and who will be honored along with
>>> Shelton and Smith in Houston
>> are:
>>> Honorary Member Award
Presented to
>> members who have distinguished themselves by
>> accomplishments and through their
service to the profession of
>> petroleum
geology and to AAPG.
>>> Steven L. Veal,
>> Resources, London, England.
>>> Charles A.
Sternbach, Star Creek
>> Energy, Houston.
>>> R.
Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood,
>> Colo.
>>> Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
>> J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
>> Presented to
members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with
>> an
>>> intended emphasis on recent discovery.
>> Douglas K. Strickland,
Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.
Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in
>> Sevier
>>> County, Utah, the initial discovery
within the central
>> Utah Overthrust
>>> Robert R. Berg Outstanding
>> Research
>>> AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a
>> singular achievement in
>>> petroleum geoscience
>>> Ole Jacob
Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.
>>> Martinsen, the head of exploration research at
StatoilHydro, is
>> widely
>>> regarded as one of
the key geoscientists in northwest
>> Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
>>> Presented to those
>> who have distinguished themselves in singular and
>>> beneficial
>> long-term service to AAPG.
>>> Gretchen M. Gillis,
Schlumberger, Houston.
>>> Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb,
>>> W.C. "Rusty" Riese, BP Alternative
Energy, Houston.
>>> Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS,
Oslo, Norway.
>>> Herman
>> Darman, Shell
International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
>>> Rick
>> L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered
>> Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
>>> Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
>>> John E.
Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
>>> Grover E.
>> Murray Distinguished Educator Award
>>> Presented
for distinguished
>> and outstanding contributions to
>>> geological education, both at
>> the university
level and toward
>>> education of the general
>>> Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D.
Meckel and Company,
>> Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both
>> companies and
>>> largely at the Colorado School of
>>> Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin,
>> Texas.
>>> Steel is
both professor and David Centennial
>> Chair at the
>>> of Texas at Austin, and Sixth-Century
>> Chair of Sedimentary Geology at
>>> the
University of Aberdeen,
>> Scotland.
>>> Special
>>> Presented to individuals and
organizations whose area of work may not
>>> qualify for one
of the
>> existing awards, but is worthy of Association
>>> recognition.
>>> Anthony
Doré, Statoil, Houston, honored for his
>> published
>>> contributions and analysis on the tectonic history,
>> geology and
>>> petroleum systems of the
northeast Atlantic margin;
>> for his
"infuential" leadership in working to bridge
industry and academia;
>>> and for being "an
>> senior manager who has infuenced his
>>> company to embrace new
>> geological play
concepts and technology.
>>> Myron K.
"Mike" Horn, M.K. Horn and Associates, Tulsa.
>>> Horn, an AAPG Honorary Member, has
developed four global
>> databases
>>> that are
significant parts of the GIS-UDRIL
>> project.
>>> Public Service Award
>>> Presented to
>> contributions of AAPG members to public affairs
>>> - and intended
>> to encourage such
>>> Mark J. Doelger, Barlow
>> and Haun, Casper, Wyo., for his efforts since
the late 1960s to
>> "accurately communicate" the
story of oil and gas
>> exploration to the
general public. He has been played an on-gong role
>>> in
speaking to state and federal regulators, government
>>> environmental and industry trade groups and
>> commerce and civic
>>> associations.
He also has played a prominent
>> role in helping with
>>> Wyoming legislation regarding the role of
>> the
Wyoming Pipeline
>>> Authority.
>>> Pioneer
>>> Presented to long-standing members who have
contributed to the
>>> Association and who have made
meaningful contributions to the
>> science
>>> of
>>> J. Myles Bowen, retired
>> (Shell), Newton Abbot, England.
>>> Bowen had a long and
>> successful career as the
leader of exploration
>>> teams, working
>> (and
scoring discoveries) in Venezuela, Nigeria, the
>>> North
>> (as leader of Shell Expro) and Italy, among other
>>> John
>> Wold, Wold Oil and Gas,
Casper, Wyo.
>>> Wold, an AAPG
>> Public Service Award winner, has had a long and
>>> successful
>> career as a geologist and civic
leader in Wyoming. Also, in
>>> 1969
>> he became
the first professional geologist to serve in the U.S.
>> House of Representatives.
>>> Wallace E. Pratt
Memorial Award
>>> Presented to the author(s) of the best
>> published
>>> each
calendar year.
>>> William A.
>> Ambrose, Tucker F. Hentz, Florence Bonnaffe, Robert G.
>>> Loucks,
>> L. Frank Brown Jr., Fred P. Wang and
Eric C. Potter, for
"Sequence-Stratigraphic Controls on Complex Reservoir Architecture
>> of
>>> Highstand Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic
Lowstand Valley-Fill
>> Deposits in
>>> the Upper
Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Woodbine Group,
>> East Texas Field:
>>> Regional and Local Perspectives," which
appeared in the February 2009
>>> All
>> are with Bureau of
Economic Geology at the University of Texas at
>>> Austin,
>>> Robert H. Dott Sr. Memorial Award
>>> Presented to the author/editor of the best special
>> dealing
>>> with geology published
by the Association.
>>> Claudio Bartolini
and J.R. Román Ramos, for Memoir 90,
>> Petroleum
>>> Systems in the Southern Gulf of Mexico.
>>> Bartolini is with Repsol, Madrid, Spain,
and Ramos is with
>> Pemex,
>>> Mexico City,
>>> J.C. "Cam"
>> Sproule
Memorial Award
>>> Presented to younger authors of papers
>> applicable to petroleum geology.
>>> David M. Dutton and
>> Bruce D. Trudgill, for
the paper "Four-Dimensional
>>> Analysis
of the Sembo Relay System, Offshore Angola: Implications for
>> Fault Growth in Salt-Detached
>>> Dutton
is with Nexen Petroleum, Woking, England. Trudgill is with the
>> Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo.
>>> John W. Shelton Search
>> and Discovery Award
>>> Presented to the author(s) of the best
contribution to the Search and
>>> Discovery website in the
>> year.
>>> Dwight M.
"Clint" Moore and Robert O.
>> Brooks, for the
article "The
>>> Evolving Exploration of the
>> Subsalt Play in the Offshore Gulf of
>>> Moore is with ION
Geophysical, Houston, and Brooks is retired
>> from
>>> TGS, Garland, Texas.
>>> George C. Matson
>>> Presented to the best oral presentation at the
2010 AAPG Annual
>>> Convention and Exhibition in New
>> Satinder
Chopra, for the paper "Detecting Stratigraphic Features
>>> Cross-Plotting of Seismic Discontinuity Attributes
and Their
>> Volume
>>> Visualization."
>>> Chopra is with
>> Arcis,
Calgary, Canada. His co-author is Kurt J.
>>> Marfurt,
>> the ConocoPhillips School of Geology and Geophysics
>>> the
>> University of Oklahoma, Norman,
>>> Jules Braunstein Memorial
>> Award
>>> Presented to the best poster presentation at the 2010
>> Annual
>>> Convention and Exhibition in
New Orleans.
>>> Eddy Lee, Craig Shipp,
Willem Hack, J. Larry Gibson and Fa Dwan
>> for
>>> the poster "Quantifying the Probability of
>> of Shallow Gas
>>> as a
>>> AAPG
members Lee, Shipp and Gibson are with Shell International E&P,
>>> Houston, and AAPG member Dwan is with Shell E&P
>> Houston.
>>> Hack is with Shell
International E&P, Houston.
>>> Geosciences in the Media
>>> Presented for notable
>> journalistic
achievement that contributes to
>>> public
understanding of geology, energy resources or the technology of
>> oil and gas exploration. Granting of this
award in any year is
>> discretionary.
>>> Ronald C. Blakey, for the significant
>> contribution of his website.
>>> Blakey is
professor of geology at
>> Northern Arizona University,
>>> Flagstaff, Ariz.
>>> Tom
Zoellner, for his book "Uranium." Zoellner is a professional
>>> journalist and lives in Hanover, N.H.
>>> ---
>>> PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK
>>> * 2 sekretariat (Jkt &
Bdg), 5
>> departemen, banyak biro...
>>> ---
>>> Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
>>> Hadirilah PIT
>> ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok
NTB, 22-25 November 2010
>>> To unsubscribe, send email to:
>>> To subscribe, send
email to:
>> iagi-net-subscribe[at]
Visit IAGI Website:
Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
>>> Bank Mandiri Cab.
Wisma Alia Jakarta
>>> No. Rek: 123
>>> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia
>>> Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
>>> No.
Rekening: 255-1088580
>>> A/n: Shinta Damayanti
>>> IAGI-net Archive 1:
>> Archive 2:
>>> DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to
>> information
>>> posted
>>> on
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>> whether posted by IAGI or
others. In no event shall
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>>> or
>>> its members be liable for any, including but not
>> limited to direct or
>>> indirect
>>> damages, or damages of
>> any kind whatsoever,
resulting from loss of use,
>>> data
>> or
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>>> For more information
please visit
>>> ---
>>> PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK
>>> * 2 sekretariat (Jkt &
Bdg), 5
>> departemen, banyak biro...
>>> ---
>>> Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
>>> Hadirilah PIT
>> ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok
NTB, 22-25 November 2010
>>> To unsubscribe, send email to:
>>> To subscribe, send
email to:
>> iagi-net-subscribe[at]
Visit IAGI Website:
Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
>>> Bank Mandiri Cab.
Wisma Alia Jakarta
>>> No. Rek: 123
>>> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia
>>> Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
>>> No.
Rekening: 255-1088580
>>> A/n: Shinta Damayanti
>>> IAGI-net Archive 1:
>> Archive 2:
>>> DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to
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>> whether posted by IAGI or
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>>> or
>>> its members be liable for any, including but not
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>> any kind whatsoever,
resulting from loss of use,
>>> data
>> or
>>> profits, arising out of or in connection
with the use of any
>> information
>>> posted
>>> on IAGI mailing list.
>>> ---
>>> PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK
>>> * 2 sekretariat (Jkt &
Bdg), 5
>> departemen, banyak biro...
>>> ---
>>> Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
>>> Hadirilah PIT
>> ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok
NTB, 22-25 November 2010
>>> To unsubscribe, send email to:
>>> To subscribe, send
email to:
>> iagi-net-subscribe[at]
Visit IAGI Website:
Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
>>> Bank Mandiri Cab.
Wisma Alia Jakarta
>>> No. Rek: 123
>>> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia
>>> Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
>>> No.
Rekening: 255-1088580
>>> A/n: Shinta Damayanti
>>> IAGI-net Archive 1:
>> Archive 2:
>>> DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to
>> information
>>> posted
>>> on its
mailing lists, whether
>> posted by IAGI or others. In no event
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>> be liable for
any, including but not limited to direct
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>>> indirect damages, or damages of any kind whatsoever,
resulting from
>> loss
>>> of
use, data or profits, arising out of or in
>> connection with
the use of any
>>> information posted on IAGI
mailing list.
>>> PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
>>> ketua umum: LAMBOK
>>> sekjen:
>>> * 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5
departemen, banyak biro...
>>> Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
>>> Hadirilah PIT
ke-39 IAGI,
>> Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 22-25 November 2010
>>> To unsubscribe, send email to:
>>> To subscribe, send
email to:
>> iagi-net-subscribe[at]
Visit IAGI Website:
Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
>>> Bank Mandiri Cab.
Wisma Alia Jakarta
>>> No. Rek: 123
>>> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia
>>> Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
>>> No.
Rekening: 255-1088580
>>> A/n: Shinta Damayanti
>>> IAGI-net Archive 1:
>> Archive 2:
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>> information
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whether posted by IAGI
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including but not limited to
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>>> from loss of use, data
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out of or in connection with
>>> the use of any
>> information posted on IAGI mailing list.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Nganyerikeun hate
>> batur hirupna mo bisa campur,
ngangeunahkeun hate jalma hirupna pada
>> ngupama , Elmu
tungtut dunya siar Ibadah kudu lakonan.
>> PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
>> ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
>> * 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5
departemen, banyak biro...
>> Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
>> Hadirilah PIT ke-39
IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 22-25 November 2010
>> To unsubscribe, send email to:
>> To subscribe, send email
to: iagi-net-subscribe[at]
>> Visit IAGI Website:
>> Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
>> Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
>> No. Rek: 123
>> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia
>> Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
>> No.
Rekening: 255-1088580
>> A/n: Shinta Damayanti
IAGI-net Archive 1:
>> IAGI-net Archive 2:
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IAGI or others. In no
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members be liable for any, including but not limited
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IAGI mailing list.
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> PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
> ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
> * 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5
departemen, banyak biro...
> Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
> Hadirilah PIT ke-39 IAGI,
Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 22-25 November 2010
> To unsubscribe, send email to:
> To subscribe, send email to:
> Visit IAGI Website:
> Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
> Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
> No. Rek: 123
> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
> Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
> No. Rekening: 255-1088580
> A/n: Shinta Damayanti
> IAGI-net Archive 1:
> IAGI-net
Archive 2:
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> posted on its mailing lists, whether posted by IAGI
or others. In no event
> shall IAGI or its members be liable for
any, including but not limited to
> direct or indirect damages, or
damages of any kind whatsoever, resulting
> from loss of use, data
or profits, arising out of or in connection with
> the use of any
information posted on IAGI mailing list.

Nganyerikeun hate
batur hirupna mo bisa campur, ngangeunahkeun hate jalma hirupna pada
ngupama , Elmu tungtut dunya siar Ibadah kudu lakonan.

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