Sahabat seprofesi,

Sekedar menambahkan saja dan bisa didengarkan "video" presentasinya dalam
link di bawah ini:

Also, please see the end of this post for news links and a video of Dan
Tearpock and Bob Shoup's "Ten Habits" talk from the AAPG Playmaker Forum
this past January.

*The Ten Habits of Highly Successful Oil Finders*
D. J. Tearpock and R. C. Shoup

Approximately 15% of the world's geoscientists are highly successful oil
(and gas) finders, that being that they have exploration drilling success
rates between 25 and 50%. Conversely, approximately 15% of the world's
explorationists routinely drill dry holes. The remaining explorationists
have exploration drilling success rates close to that of the industry
average of 15 to 30%. What is it that sets the highly successful oil
finders apart?

All oil finders seem to be creative and to have perseverance, but those
traits alone do not make successful oil finders as there have been many
"creative" dry holes. Company studies, combined with years of observation,
have shown that highly successful oil finders share Ten Habits in their
interpretation of the data and their portrayal of the interpretation on
their maps. The focus of this short introduction is on those Ten Habits,
and how they contribute to an individual's success.

Habit 1: Successful oil finders ensure that their subsurface
interpretations and maps are geologically and geometrically valid in three

Habit 2: Successful oil finders have a fundamental, classic background in
geology, and have a strong, thorough knowledge of the structural geology
for the tectonic setting and depositional environments for the area in
which they are working.

Habit 3: Successful oil finders plan their time and the detail of their
work in order to ensure accurate interpretations and maps.

Habit 4: Successful oil finders use all the surface and subsurface data to
develop a reasonable and accurate subsurface interpretation.

Habit 5: Successful oil finders ensure that their seismic and well
correlations are loop-tied and valid to ensure accurate geological
interpretations and maps.

Habit 6: Successful oil finders know which methods, tools, and techniques
are needed to understand and define their subsurface interpretations and

Habit 7: Successful oil finders map all relevant geological surfaces in
order to generate reliable and accurate subsurface interpretations and maps.

Habit 8: Successful oil finders map multiple horizons to develop a
reasonable three dimensional interpretation of complexly faulted or
deformed areas.

Habit 9: Successful oil finders ensure that their structural cross sections
are balanced and valid to generate a reasonable correct interpretation.

Habit 10: Successful oil finders document their work based on volumes of
data collected, evaluated, used, and manipulated during a project.

The application of these Ten Habits in your interpretation work flow, or
your team's or company's work flow, will improve your success rate by
helping to ensure that your interpretations and maps are accurate and
geologically and geometrically valid in three dimensions, whether you are
working on a regional, exploration, development or production project.

For a more detailed understanding of the Ten Habits, refer to the expanded
discussion of the Habits (Philosophical Doctrine) in the textbook *Applied
Subsurface Geological Mapping with Structural
Tearpock and Bischke, 2nd Edition.

The Ten Habits in the Press:

"These Habits Are
*AAPG Explorer*, March 2013
"Consultant shares tips for success in oil
*Houston Chronicl*e, January 24, 2013
Video of Dan Tearpock's Ten Habits
the AAPG Playmaker Forum, January 2013

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Julianta Panjaitan <> wrote:

> Thanks Pak Danu,
> Salam,
> Julianta
> NPA 3793
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:13 PM, Danu Widhisiadji <>wrote:
>> Selamat malam IAGI'ers,
>> Mohon maaf sedikit mengganggu diskusi mengenai perpolitikan dan carut
>> marutnya kebijakan energi Indonesia, berikut sambilan renungan khususnya
>> untuk profesional geologist yang masih setia meski tidak menjamin bisa
>> kaya, heheheh...., semoga bermanfaat.
>> Perkenankan saya sedikit berbagi mengenai SEAPEX Evening Talk 7 Pebruary
>> 2014 di Orchard HOTEL.
>> Sepanjang saya mengikuti SEAPEX Talk sejak 2007, SEAPEX Evening Talk kali
>> ini berbeda, dan sangat berkesan buat saya pribadi.
>> Semua hadirin terpaku dan sangat detail hingga akhir, mendengarkan pak
>> Shoup, tanpa ada suara riuh apalagi gemuruh, entahlah.
>> Satu poin yang cukup ditekankan oleh presenter bahwa seorang
>> explorationist jangan bergantung pada tools, perdalam konsep, pahami proses
>> dan lakukan dengan benar. Tools hanyalah alat bantu yang tidak selalu
>> benar. Tanpa bermaksud mempromosikan silahkan detailnya dapat dilihat di
>> The Ten Habits of Highly Successful Oil Finders
>> 1. Ensure that their interpretations are geologically and geometrically
>> valid in three dimensions.
>> 2. Have a strong background in geology, and a thorough knowledge of the
>> tectonic setting and depositional environments for the area in which they
>> are working.
>> 3. Plan their time and work in order to ensure accurate interpretations
>> and maps.
>> 4. Use all of the data to ensure that they have a reasonable and accurate
>> subsurface interpretation.
>> 5. Ensure that their seismic and well correlations are accurate and
>> loop-tied.
>> 6. Know which methods, tools, and techniques are needed to define and
>> understand the subsurface.
>> 7. Map all relevant geological surfaces.
>> 8. Map multiple horizons to develop reasonably correct, three-dimensional
>> interpretations.
>> 9. Document their work.
>> 10. Seek out mentors and experienced individuals with knowledge and
>> expertise; and serve as mentors to those seeking experience
>> by Robert Bob Shoup
>> Salam,
>> Danu Widhisiadji
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> Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
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> No. Rekening: 255-1088580
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Siapkan waktu PIT IAGI ke-43
Mark your date 43rd IAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition
JAKARTA,15-18 September 2014
Visit IAGI Website:
Hubungi Kami:
Iuran tahunan Rp.250.000,- (profesional) dan Rp.100.000,- (mahasiswa)
Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:
Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta
No. Rek: 123 0085005314
Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia
No. Rekening: 255-1088580
A/n: Shinta Damayanti
DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information 
posted on its mailing lists, whether posted by IAGI or others. 
In no event shall IAGI or its members be liable for any, including but not 
to direct or indirect damages, or damages of any kind whatsoever, resulting 
from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use 
any information posted on IAGI mailing list.

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