Clinton Begin wrote:

I agree with Brandon. There are definite improvements we need to make to iBATIS dynamic SQL, but that does NOT include building a full templating language. The power of iBATIS dynamic SQL is the fact that it is VERY specific to SQL. Using iBATIS dynamic SQL, you can reduce the amount of code to less than Java, Velocity or Freemarker. All of the latter solutions will result in very similar logic, with different syntax.

This is all true, but i think you should replace "different syntax" with "familiar syntax" or "better looking syntax" or "more convenient syntax (with regards to the <)"(which of course is my opinion only).

> iBATIS replaces common logic with smart tags that know what SQL is.

Both freemarker and velocity macros can create the same tags as you have stated above. If we run parallels with the way the spring framework has ported its jsp taglibs to freemarker and velocity, I think that would be a nice solution.



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