> In a recent note, Greg Price said:
>>Date:         Wed, 1 Jun 2005 14:16:51 +1000
>>Well, here's my theory:
> Does this have to be done by theory and/or experiment, or is it made
> clear in the documentation?

I believe theory/experiment/doco all agree on how "the system" behaves
here.  The "theory" reference is due to me not having access to the
current source of IEBGENER.

I'd say your outline of the SYSUT2 DCB Open exit (which need bear no
similarity to the exit for SYSPRINT) sounds pretty right.

I was going to suggest that experiments with SYSOUT are not relevant
to illustrate DCB processing, but Ed J said it first.  Hence my
passing remark about a "real line printer".  Allocating a real unit
record device takes the dummied up DCB facade of JES ACB processing
out of the picture.  IOW, I was trying to think of a device where
QSAM/BSAM could be used that was not TAPE or DASD to illustrate a
currently available non-SDB example.

Programs that will abend with S013-34 when the output file is on
TAPE or DASD will often not abend when the output is directed
to SYSOUT because of its forgiving nature.  I haven't done much
JES3, but JES2 does not seem to care about DCBBLKSI remaining
zero at all (it still remains zero after OPEN whereas SDB will
put a non-zero value in it).

I have not checked the doco re your point about the exit getting
control before or after the SDB is filled in.  Experiment indicates
that the exit ends before the OPEN-time SDB is supplied.

Therefore, a run-of-the-mill IEBGENER step can produce different
output blocksizes depending on something as simple as whether
DSORG=PS is specified in the JCL or not.

It's been a while, but IIRC I used to have ACS routines which set
DSORG=PS for DASD data sets whenever a null DSORG was found at
creation time.  For data sets that were never opened this used to
allow recognition that they were empty as well as HSM migration.

But yes, if the DCB blocking has been determined by the user or
by allocation-time SDB, IEBGENER's DCB Open exit has nothing to do
about setting the output blocksize.

My "surmise" about allocation-time SDB is really just me parroting
back the publicity around at the time SDB was introduced.  Since
behaviour matched what I was told I've never checked the manuals
on it.

I expect "DFSMS: Using Data Sets" to talk about the OPEN-time SDB,
and "DFSMS: Implementing System Managed Storage" (SC26-7407-02) to
talk about the DADSM end of things including allocation-time SDB.
I suppose it might be nice if each had a pointer to the other if
they don't already.


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