Florida has a better system for driver's license numbers..  The first part
is the first letter of your last name followed by 3 digits based on the
consonant patter of the rest of your last name.  The next 3 digits are based
on the consonant pattern of your first name.  The next 2 digits are the
birth year.  The final 4 digits are a tie-breaker, with 1/2 the range
indicating male and the other 1/2 the range indicating female.  This allows
some cross-verification and may make forgery detection somewhat easier.

-----Original Message-----

> Wrong. The DMV prefers to use your SSN as your license 
>  number, but they will issue a license without it, at least in 
>  Virginia.

Likewise in Illinois, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Nevada and South  Dakota (from
personal experience).

Also Massachusetts will do this.

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