From: "Gil Peleg" : The perfect solution would have been to define a Defined Capacity to the : entire machine and then define weights and no capping as usual, within this : defined capacity (I heard something about being able to do this on System z9 : running z/OS 1.8 ??).
Capping LPARs anytime is bad - in the case of defined capacity, probably BAD (broken as designed). Just a monumental example of marketing apparently over-riding the techos. The contortions customers have to perform to use the machinery they paid for is mind-numbingly stupid. The "perfect solution" Gil mentions, is surely the only common-sense design - *from day 1*. I too have a customer that moves MSUs around - although with less regularity; end of month/quarter, that sort of thing. Shane ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at