(Tiring of people arguing in circles and getting nowhere)

Let's take a poll. Suppose for the sake of argument that I had in my posession 
a set of system modifications which allowed specification of EXTPARM, which 
let you specify program parms of up to 32767 characters in length, and that 
you could obtain this modification for a small fee. Who would be interested in 
using it? Who would refuse to use it? 

What if you could specify in your parmlib the list of programs which could be 
invoked with this parameter? Would you use it then? After all, aren't we really 
talking about a limited number of potential uses at any given site?

Take it a step further. Suppose IBM supplied this capability with the next z/OS 
release. Also suppose that you could enable or disable the functionality via a 
parmlib value as well as specify the programs that were eligible for use. Would 
you be interested then?

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