On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 12:34:12 -0600, Tim Hare <tim.h...@ssrc.myflorida.com>

>In a 2008 thread on people using IEFBR14 to do deletes there as this:
>If all of the above are met, then do the equivalent of HDELETE for the dataset
>Seems to me that verifies in most cases that we're dealing with the real
>IEFBR14 and not a replacement (although I grant it's possible to leave those
>bytes in place by coding an IEFBR14 replacement with a different entry point,
>I believe it in practice to be pretty unlikely), and that the dataset is
>to be deleted no matter what (both dispositions are DELETE).
>The workaround for now is to try to make sure the dataset to be deleted is
>either retained until the delete reference (often the next day), OR to do
>HRECALLs ahead of the job.
>As I said, this is probably beating a dead horse but I didn't see this specific
>proposal mentioned.

Perhaps I've misunderstood your point, but isn't this already handled by the
enhancements made in z/OS R11?


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