On 1 Mar 2010 07:55:11 -0800, thomas.kel...@commercebank.com (Kelman,
Tom) wrote:

>The big problem is that no one knows how to read, or write, anymore.  

This is always a complaint.   And by "always", I go back as far as
recorded history exists.

>I was at a well known, excellent engineering school not long ago.  I
>happened to pass by a bulletin board that held postings put up by
>faculty and students to announce things that were happening around the
>campus.  The spelling and grammar in the postings was horrible.  

Have you heard of "Skitt's Law" or "Muphry's Law"?  (Those was


>As noted by the article below, we really do need icons and various colors,
>etc. these days to tell people what to do.  That's all they understand.
>They certainly don't understand the written word.

Did the people understand the postings as written?   That is the acid

Legal papers get edited and checked and re-checked - which doesn't
mean they are unambiguously clear.

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