In that case, Mark, it appears to me that your storage group must be running
rather full and could probably benefit from adding a few more volumes,
specifically 3390-9 or larger volumes. Or perhaps you should review your
DFHSM ML1/ML2 migration criteria and migrate old datasets to reclaim some
On the other hand, the suggestion to allow a dataset to grow to multi-volume
sounds like a good idea (as it would eliminate space-related abends), albeit
perhaps just a stop-gap measure.

Another thing you could do to make contiguous space available is that you
could free up one volume by moving all (or most of) the datasets off to
other volumes within that storage group. Just pick the one that looks the
worst and clean it up. That gives you contiguous free space within the group
to satisfy large allocation requests and should take less time and resources
to run than all the defrags together.

Ulrich Krueger

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of Mark Pace
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:40
Subject: Re: Defrag

Well it's not a performance issue I'm trying to resolve.  It's simply having
the volumes so fragmented that users sometimes have a hard time finding the
amount of space they need in 16 extents.


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