Good point. We missed that little hiccup, since all of our media was either IBM or Memorex. IIRC 3M had some media problems as well, but they were caught very quickly and resolved almost as fast.

Spencer, Mike wrote:

Good memory on the 3480 media. Many, many years ago, BASF had a problem with 3480 Tape Media cartridges. The company that I worked for at that time received a large batch of "bad" tapes in a shipment, causing us quite a few headaches. This was back around 1997/1998. Since then, I've used cartridge media of all densities and vendors, without experiencing any significant problems.
Mike Spencer

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Scott T. Harder
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape

I have to chime in to the contrary.  I seem to remember many data check
errors on 3480 cart media.  Am I the only one?

Scott T. Harder
Mainframe Services, Inc.
Naples, FL

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Fletcher, Kevin
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape

I haven't seen a bona-fide tape I/O error since my shop installed 3480
drives, lo these many years ago. What's this guy smoking? Whatever it
is, I'm sure it's illegal! :-)


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