
Thank you for your perspective. I'll pass it up the food chain. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:ibm-m...@bama.ua.edu] On Behalf Of 
Michael Knigge
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 5:40 AM
To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu
Subject: Re: SQL Server replacement

Richards, Robert B. schrieb:
> If we were looking to replace Microsoft's SQL Server with something on System 
> z, what would my options be and how much effort would be required to move it 
> there?

Well migrating to another DBMS is mostly a big challenge. If you are 
using just plain valinna stuff (i. e. no properitary column types, 
stored procedures, triggers, ...) then changin the DBMS is mostly 

But if there are a lot of special things (see samples above), then... 
eh... have fun ;->

As we are an ISV our products have to support a wide range of DBMS. We 
used MS-SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and DB2 (unix and z/OS) in 
the past and they all have pros and cons.

For example: DB2 is rock-solid and very, very close on the SQL-92 
standard (well, but that is not always a gift - for example SQL-92 
states that leading spaces from CHAR(n) columns should not be removed 
and so DB2 doesn't removes them on retrieval - most other DBMS (as 
MS-SQL) do so). But administrating DB2 is not that easy imho.

Oracle is somehow rock-solid also, but I personally *HATE* tha Java 
Frontend that comes with Oracle. Furthermore I *HATE* the fact that you 
need a GUI to install Oracle (or I was too stupid to do without a GUI). 
I had to install X11 on a server just to install Oracle. Oracle also has 
its own datatypes (no INTEGER, SMALLINT and so on... Oracle knows 
"NUMBER). And what is sometimes really a pain: Oracle doesn't know 
columns containiung NULL.

PostgreSQL... a great performer, great fetures but the ODBC driver is 
(sorry) crap, crap, crap.... If you really need ODBC, I pers. would 
avoid PostgreSQL.

MS-SQL.... Hmmm.... The system is somehow "ok", the ODBC-Driver is 
stable but stupid (supports mostly just the base that is needed).

MySQL.... Well.... from a users, administrators and coders view, this is 
my favorite. Most of MySQL-Stuff is just so simple. The Server is 
installed in just one or two minutes, the ODBC-Driver is just a dream 
and using/administrating MySQL is *VERY* simple. But I've heard from 
some colleagues that they had problems with MySQL when they used rather 
big databases (multiple Gigs). But I don't remember exactly the problems 
they had...

As you see..... The answer to your questing is "it depends" as always. I 
pers. would try MySQL on z/Linux. If ODBC is not needed you could/should 
try PostgreSQL also. DB2 is also great - I like this DBMS, but 
administrating is more overhead as for PostgreSQL and MySQL....


Yours sincerely

Michael Knigge

S.E.T. Software GmbH
Lister Straße 15
30163 Hannover

Tel.  +49 511/3 97 80-23
Fax   +49 511/3 97 80-65

Commercial Registry: HRB52778 Local Court Hannover
Chief Executive Officer: Till Dammermann, Dr. Bernd Huber

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