The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Scott Rowe) writes:
> Many of us skipped the applications sidetrack and just went straight
> from Ops to Sysprog.

I took a intro to fortran class and sat in on 360 assembler class (class
projects ran on simulator on 709). I was then hired for summer job to
port 1401 MPIO to 360/30. As part of migrating the univ. 709/1401 lashup
to 360/67 ... the univ. had replaced 1401 with 360/30. While the 360/30
had 1401 hardware emulation and run MPIO directly (did unitrecord<->tape
front end for 709 that ran ibsys tape-to-tape) ... I guess I was hired
as part of gaining experience in 360. I got to design my own monitor,
storage management, dispatcher, device drivers, error recovery,
interrupt handlers, console interface, etc.

When 360/67 came in, tss/360 wasn't running all that well ... so the
univ pretty much stuck to os/360 (going thru pcp, mft, mvt cycle).  They
pretty early made me responsible for os/360 ... and I got to do a lot of
work redoing various parts of os/360. Univ. even sent me to SHARE
meetings to make presentations on some of the work.

in jan68, ibm brought in three people from the science center to install
cp67 ... and I got to play with that also (mostly on weekends). part of
presentation I made at aug68 share in boston, on both os/360 and cp67

when rewritting part of cp67 terminal interface to support tty/ascii
terminals ... I tried to make the 2702 controller do something it
couldn't quite do. This was somewhat the motivation for univ. to have
clone controller project built on interdata/3, reverse engineer 360
channel interface, build channel interface board for interdata/3, etc.
Four of us got written up ... being blamed for clone controller
business. some past posts

the clone controller business was then major motivation for the
corporation starting Future System effort (failed w/o ever being
announced)  ... some past posts

old reference to fergus & morris book IBM's "VM for the PC" c.1984??

that claims that the focus on FS & neglecting 370 allowd processor
clones to gain market foothold ... and "the old culture under Watson Snr
and Jr of free and vigourous debate was replaced with sycophancy and
'make no waves' under Opel and Akers"

I possibly did one of my non "career enhancing moves" ... by continuing
to work on 370 all during the FS days ... and drawing comparisons
between what was going on in FS and a cult film that was playing down in
central sq. I was also making reference to having running 370 code that
was better than what some of the FS specs was trying to do.  People were
being told that if they wanted promotions and raises ... they needed to
take a transfer to FS.

Another Boyd "To Be Or To Do" moment (I had sponsored Boyd's briefings
at IBM): War, Chaos, & Business

42yrs virtualization experience (since Jan68), online at home since Mar1970

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