Roy, this is the SYSTCPT sysout: Resolver Trace Initialization Complete -> 2010/05/07 13:16:33.754109 res_init Resolver values: Global Tcp/Ip Dataset = None Default Tcp/Ip Dataset = None Local Tcp/Ip Dataset = //DD:SYSTCPD ==> SYS2.TCPIP.TCPPARMS(TCPDATAT) Translation Table = Default UserId/JobName = T99TCPIP Caller API = LE C Sockets Caller Mode = EBCDIC (L) DataSetPrefix = SYS2.TCPIP (L) HostName = HES90004 (L) TcpIpJobName = TCPIP (*) DomainOrigin = None (*) NameServer(s) = None (*) NsPortAddr = 53 (*) ResolverTimeout = 30 (*) ResolveVia = UDP (*) ResolverUdpRetries = 1 (*) Options NDots = 1 (L) Trace Resolver (*) SockNoTestStor (L) AlwaysWto = NO (*) MessageCase = MIXED (L) LookUp = LOCAL res_init Succeeded res_init Started: 2010/05/07 13:16:33.780215 res_init Ended: 2010/05/07 13:16:33.780219
Yesterday We specified the same DD in the PROC and we haven't seen nothing wrong. Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at