Hello Chris >In order to start a procedure which you have taken trouble to create with a >SETUP DD-statement you need to change the BPXPRMxx member >RESOLVER_PROC statement to, say, RESOLVER_PROC(RESOLVER) and store a >procedure named RESOLVER similar to the following:
>//RESOLVER PROC >//* See SEZAINST(EZBREPRC) for comments >//EZBREINI EXEC PGM=EZBREINI,REGION=0M,TIME=1440,PARM='CTRACE >(CTIRES00)' >//SETUP DD DSN=TCPIP.TCPPARMS(SETUPRES),DISP=SHR,FREE=CLOSE >Then you can stop and start your new RESOLVER procedure according to the >instructions in the section "Managing the resolver address space". You should >see the following message: >BPXF224I THE RESOLVER_PROC, xxx, IS BEING STARTED where xxx is the >name of your resolver procedure. I start our RESOLVER with RESOLVER name. I've changed the RESOLVER_PROC statement from DEFAULT to RESOLVER >If you then enter the command >MODIFY xxx,D It doesn't work MODIFY RESOLVER,D EZZ9294I INCORRECT COMMAND SYNTAX >Something I noticed in the z/OS Communications Server IP System >Administrator’s Commands manual when checking on the above is that you can >also enter the command >DISPLAY OMVS,O It's right. The RESOLVER PROC = RESOLVER >The TSO NSLOOKUP command uses the MVS search order for the TCPIP.DATA >data set. This is the following: Resolver - GLOBALTCPIPDATA --> Removed >plus the first of the following: //SYSTCPD DD statement --> The TCPDATA attached in the post x.TCPIP.DATA --> It doesn't exist SYS1.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) --> It doesn't exist Resolver - DEFAULTTCPIPDATA --> The TCPDATA attached in the post TCPIP.TCPIP.DATA --> It doesn't exist Thanks a lot Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html