Start by finding every error message there is.  This could be simple.  For
example oftentimes we forget to create an alias for a new TSO/ISPF user and
they quickly get an access violation trying to update the master catalog.

Others have posted some good alternatives but ultimately it would be nice to
know exactly what is happening.  I fondly remember my Top Secret days,
TSSTRACK is your friend if for no other reason to rule out the security

The other side of the double edged gotcha with Top Secret is volume level
access.  It's handy to have and easy to abuse and debug.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of Duane Weaver
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10:15 AM
Subject: ISPF temp allocation during job suibmission

I have a user who reported a problem when ISPF went to create a temp data
set during the batch job submission.     It appears that ISPF or the system
tried to allocate the file on a volume the user 

did not have authority to use.


We use TOP SECRET (TSS) from CA as our security package.


This problem occurred over multiple TSO sessions.


So I am thinking there is something a miss in the definition of the TSO


Any thoughts on where to look?

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