On 3 Aug 2010 07:46:03 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main you wrote:

>I would not worry about FUD given the following statement from the article.
>"Some companies still employ an older mainframe with a screen known as a
>3270 terminal emulator, which evokes the decades-old Disk Operating System,
>or DOS, that predated Microsoft (MSFT) Windows"
As someone who used DOSSSHELL, one of the reasons I liked it is that
it reminded me of ISPF.  Thus the statement is relevant and meaningful
to the readership of Newsweek.  

As someone whose mainframe training in the 1960's was OJT on DOS and a
combination of OJT, some employer sponsored IBM courses and SHARE
attendance in the late 1970s an 1980s, I question the need for
operating specific college training.  Given some of the sharp people I
have met without a college degree, including my former boss who
authorized both the courses and my SHARE participation I question the
absolute need for a degree. The industry needs people who enjoy making
certain the system is reliable and customizing it to meet the needs of
the organization.  

Clark Morris

>  From:       Ken Porowski <ken.porow...@cit.com>                              
>  To:         IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu                                             
>  Date:       08/03/2010 09:31 AM                                              
>  Subject:    More FUD on the demise of the Mainframe                          

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