I have two questions about security.

What is the difference between R-INACT and REVOKED?  I know what revoked is, 
but I'm not sure what R-INACT is exactly.  I have searched the Security Server 
bookshelf, and R-INACT is not listed there.  At least its not on the z/OS R9 
bookshelf that I have on CD.

Another related question I have.  If RACF is set up to revoke userids after 45 
days of inactivity, will the user show up as revoked after that 45 days?  I had 
heard that it only showed up as revoked if the user tried to log on after the 
period of inactivity.  So even if the user didn't try to log on for 60 days in 
my example, he would still show up as "REVOKE DATE=NONE after 50 days.  Is that 

Eric Bielefeld
Systems Programmer

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