To throw my $.02 in, do you have any non-critical equipment on the UPS
that could be powered down ahead of time (non-essential tape, printers,
etc) that could possibly extend the UPS uptime duration?  I have lived
thru this scenario - lost street power and no generator.  We were able
to extend the battery life of the UPS long enough to do the controlled
shutdown by killing the non-essentials early.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of R.S.
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: How to quickly shut down system

TISLER Zaromil wrote:
> <------ snip ------>
> Let's assume the following scenario:
> "Disastrous" power outage occured, no alternate power source is
> available, only UPS battery. Time for battery discharge is approx.
> minutes.
> <------ snip ------>
> Why do you believe you have 20-30 minutes to do something? I would 
> look how long can the weakest component stay available: switch or any 
> other interface on the path to devices and then to the mirror devices.
> How can you be sure that the connectivity between cpu and devices or 
> primary and secondary is still there during 20-30 minutes? E.g., in 
> the case that there is a connection through a switch and it loses 
> power, how long is its time for battery discharge?

I believe so, because all datacentre is powered from that UPS. The only 
scenario I have to consider is UPS without external power source. Time 
of UPS battery discharge is displayed on UPS console. The value depends 
on current workload, and this is not thing which should be considered as

sharp. I mean when you see 20 minutes, in reality it can last for 15 
minutes or 45. That's my experience (from smaller UPSes however). So
assumption is that all the devices needed to keep system running are 
powered from the same UPS. That includes CPC, DASD, FICON switch, DWDM 
box, etc.

BTW: I don't know exact time, because of the reasons above, because of 
batteries age. I also don't know how calm will be operator. The 
procedure have to be as quick as possible and *SIMPLE*.

Back to the question, what about DB2, which I'm most worried ? I'd like
to "quiesce" all the system activity as much as possible, just 
to avoid long time for get the DR system ready. I don't want to spent 
hours to backout uncommited transactions or fight with JES2 to start it 
up. I also don't want to loose the data, from DB2 (obvoius) and possibly

from JES2 spool.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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