>whether the SVRB for a LINK is freed before the LINK'ed to 
>program's PRB is placed on the RB chain. 

After. But before the LINK'ed to program gets control.
An SVRB is never freed before the SVC routine is done (and part of the 
"doing" of the LINK SVC routine is to queue the PRB).

>In fact (unless this has been rewritten without my consent)
>programs executing as a result of EXEC PGM= are (normally?) invoked 
>via LINK, and they run under a PRB (or used to).
If by "programs executing as a result" was meant the program
identified by EXEC PGM=, "not in fact". That program gets control
via ATTACH. It does run under a PRB.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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