When it comes to unix (or winders), I really don't mind being the village 
idiot, because at least I know what I don't know, or at least I thought so 
until I read this rant.  A lot of my manuals refer to (what I call) "mainframe 
unix" as OMVS and/or USS.  Not being a seasoned uniq, all these references are 
synonymous to me.  Kindly define and differentiate these terms for me so I can 
return to knowing what I don't know with peace of mind restored. 

> -
> [1] There are very many people in this list who misuse the
> term USS when they should be using the term z/OS UNIX or
> z/UNIX. I divide people into those who deliberately misuse
> the term, the conceited idiots, and those who are misled by
> the perpetual misuse by conceited idiots who should know
> better and are beyond the reach of reason. Those misled of
> course tend to be those who have recently become involved
> with z/OS who should be being assisted in their
> understanding of this complex topic but who are treated with
> disdain by the conceited idiots.
> For example, in trying to solve this problem, you may well
> be trying to examine the role of the USS table, its commands
> and messages, in trying to resolve your problem. You may
> well have become thoroughly confused over how this relates
> in any way with what you think you have learned is to what
> "USS" might refer, namely, and quite falsely, z/OS UNIX
> System Services. The conceited idiots are too thick to get
> their puny brains round this particular problem - or is that
> also an "issue"?
> -

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