> [1] There are very many people in this list who misuse the
> term USS when they should be using the term z/OS UNIX or
> z/UNIX. I divide people into those who deliberately misuse
> the term, the conceited idiots, and those who are misled by
> the perpetual misuse by conceited idiots who should know
> better and are beyond the reach of reason.

And, there are arrogant (and pedantic) individuals who have too much time on 
their hands so they can moan about such trivialities.

USS, like many TLA's, has many meanings.
IBM uses the term for 'z/UNIX', in many docs.

So, if you are intelligent, you should be able to figure the issue out by 

Also, the ultimate in arrogance, pointing out the 'error' in terminology, 
rather than helping is unacceptable.

Besides, who died and made the ultimate arbiter as to the 'fact' it SHOULD be 
called 'z/(OS)UNIX?
Twitter: @TedMacNEIL

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