
Forget it. 

Kind Regards

Jim Thomas
617-233-4130             (mobile)
636-294-1014                (res) (Email)

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Security is fun in the PC world....

W dniu 2011-08-20 03:09, Jim Thomas pisze:
> /snip
>> MVS (or OS/390 or z/OS or whatever you want to call it) has
>> NEVER been hacked or destroyed by an ex employee !!.
> How do you know?
> Do you expect any financial company to make an advertisement "Hello!
> We're open for hackers!". I suspect that no company want do disclose it.
> /endsnip
> Please tell me of 'one' financial company that has been hacked ... but
> remember now .. get rid of the 'non mainframe' environments first !!.
> Better yet ... please tell me that you KNOW for a fact that if a financial
> company was hacked ... 'nobody' would know ?? .. Do you really believe
> that ??. Further, going by your own approach, why then have 'financial' and
> other institutions admitted that their wonderful non-mainframe environment
> has been 'attacked' or gotten a 'virus' or whatever ??.

Why they did it? Because they have to do it, becuase it was disclosed. 
I'm aware of many 'gotten virus' and other security issues which were 
never ever disclosed to the public. Why? There is (was) no obligation to 
do that (not every 'Watergate' became scandal, some of them remain 
secret). Simple? Oh, I KNOW (read it again: I KNOW) at least one case 
where ex-employe did compromise security of mainframe system (it was 
OS/390). I cannot provide any further details, except the following: it 
was possible because of lacks of proffesionalism of management, 
organisational, and partially RACF administration. In other words it 
wasn't fault of the system itself. And it wasn't disclosed.
I also know many cases when some contractor(s) did have extraonrdinary 
access to the mainframe system, including, i.e. ALTER to APF libraries. 
On production LPARs. Is such system still very secure?

> /snip
>> In fact, let me re-state that .. the mainframes HAVE NEVER
>> been hacked or destroyed by an ex employee !!.
> Well, I know such evidence (maybe it was misuse - it's a matter of
> definition of "been hacked"), cannot provide details.
> Another, publicly known example: Kevin Mitnick. Obviously he wasn't
> ex-employee (is it better?), and he hacked people, not systems. So?
> /endsnip
> I admit that I have not the foggiest who Kevin Mitnick is ... but bear
> with me and I'll find out ... and I'll also find out the circumstances.
> That said ... yes, I have had exposure to misuse and in fact, have known
> of circumstances where 'A Current' employee has ... umm shall I say ..
> embezzled ... forgive me but .. in this context ... we're speaking of
> apples and oranges.
> I will further admit that I have know of people that use to 'purposefully'
> code for abends but then too, that was only because they could be called
> on the weekends and hence, justify time that they would ask remuneration
> for.

Well, I would suggest to use google or Wikipedia, or better go to the 
bookstore and ask for Mitnick's book. They will know who is it and sell 
you the book. It's worth reading IMHO.

> /snip
> Some remarks:
> 1. "Mainframe system" could mean z/OS or poorly configured Linux. Is the
> Linux on mainframe any more secure than Linux on PC? IMHO the difference
> is none or very small.
> /endsnip
> Sorry ... Linux did not enter the picture till recently but FWIW, Linux is
> still a hell of a lot better than WinBlows.

I think you missed the point. "mainframe" could mean Linux, and "PC" 
could mean Linux also! PC <> Windows. So: Is the Linux on z any better 
than Linux on PC?

> /snip
> 2. Usually "mainframe systems" are big, very big or huge installations
> when compared to PC installations. There is no reason to compare small
> PC server in small company to huge financial system.
> /endsnip
> My apologies ... I was not comparing but you are very correct ... there
> is no comparison. As I've said before .... I like PC's for what they
> were engineered for .. to be a 'personal computer' ... they were 'never'
> designed, architected or built to be a 'business' computer. Hang on ..
> what's this discussion about ?? .. I agree that 'mainframe systems' are
> meant for big, very big or huge installations ... e.g. ... any business !!.
> Please tell me again, why we are talking about 'small PCs' for a 'business'
> purpose ... unless of course, it's a small mom and pop shop !!.

Not every business is big enough to justify ht costs of mainframe. Even 
a shop needs some computer today. There is no reason to blame small 
business or medium one. Vast majority of small business use PC or no 
computers at all. Some of them use non-Windows systems (read: Linux). 
BTW: In Poland any business need to have Windows. Reason: 'Płatnik' 
application which is only on Windows and is obligatory.

> /snip
> 3. Ex-employees hacking, social hacking - that could affect any
> platform, the platform resilience play minor role here. Again, usually
> the bigger comany the better rules apply.
> /endsnip
> Really ... must be why most all if not all Winblows environments are
> hacked or virused or whatever the devil you want to call it .. on a daily
> basis ...

Any proof?

> For starters, 'social anything' is NOT traditionally part of
> MVS ... perhaps that's why PC's were invented.

It seems you have no idea what social hacking is.

> My apologies again .. but I beg to differ .. despite all the 'rules', how
> many times, pray tell, have you heard of non-winblows environments being
> 'attacked by a virus' or 'by a hacker'
Yes, of course. It also covers many Linux and Unix installations.
I was even a witness of such hacking. Do you need hacked system IP, 
hacker name, or maybe also his photo ID?

Oh, BTW: I used to work as auditor. I saw many security holes in OS/390 
and z/OS installations. Simple TSO account on non-PROD system allowed me 
to do really weird things, including blow-up production system.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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