On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 09:35:18 -0600, John P Kalinich wrote:

>Greg Price of the IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu>
>wrote on 11/10/2011 08:46:03 AM:
>> Unless they have fixed it fairly recently, SDSF does not handle large
>> sizes well (unless running as an ISPF application).
>One problem with large screens in SDSF (ISPF) is that the ISFCMD variable
>is limited to 42 characters.
The often recurrence of topics related to this impels me to the belief that
the design philosophy of the 327x series is fundamentally flawed.

To begin, why doesn't it address character cells by (row,column) coordinates
rather than numbering the cells sequentially over the entire screen?  The
former alternative would result in far more graceful behavior with unexpected
screen sizes; the latter merely saves a few bits in the address representation.
"Penny wise and pound foolish."  Unforgivably shortsighted.

"42" is _not_ the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

-- gil

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