On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 11:15:55 -0800, Scott Ford <scott_j_f...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>First , thanks for responding..
>Let me explain:
>The STC is in LE Cobol..4.2 
>I want to call IKJEFTSR ...to call a rexx clist that will perform authorized 
>functions , i.e.; alloc, free 

Alloc and free are not authorized commands as far as I know. But you mention 
using RACF commands later, and they of course are.

You cannot invoke IKJEFTSR to run -authorized- commands using an environment 
that you create using IKJTSOEV. You can run unauthorized commands using an 
IKJTSOEV environment, but to run authorized commands using IKJEFTSR you 
actually need to run under the TSO TMP (IKJEFT01 or one of its alternate entry 

By the way, rather than running RACF commands, you should probably use the SAF 
IRRSEQ00 callable service to perform the RACF command functions you need, or 
for information retrieval the REXX-based IRRXUTIL function.

Walt Farrell
IBM STSM, z/OS Security Design

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