Predictably--I am the pedant who insists on distinguishing KB and
KiB--Bill Fairchild's point seems to me to be important.   Quaint,
long familiar terminology should be avoided where it is misleading.

The original System/360 scheme was simple and in its way elegant.
01F---decodable unambiguously into (multiplexor) channel 0, control
unit 1, and that control unit's device F or 15---was, for example, the
usual device address of the card punch circa 1965, when punches were
still real rather than virtual devices.

Whatever its historical interest may be, this scheme and its
progressively less elegant, patched together successors are now
architecturally irrelevant; and it is time to 1) give the old
terminology a decent burial and 2) talk about device numbers instead.

On 2/16/12, R.S. <> wrote:
> W dniu 2012-02-16 15:14, Bill Fairchild pisze: > They haven't been device
> "addresses" since 1983 with the advent of MVS/XA, in spite of the fact that
> people who had been calling them device addresses since 1964, for the most
> part, still call them device addresses.  They have been device "numbers"
> since XA's redesign of the I/O architecture.  And developers and documenters
> still create screen displays and tech doc with the now 31-years-obsolete
> nomenclature.  I complain now and then to deaf ears.  But that's ok, since I
> still call z/OS by the name MVS.  At least I don't still call it "OS/VS2
> Release 2."  Lol Yes, in z/OS (OS/390,...) there are device numbers, not
> adresses. Device  numbers replaced device addresses in some sense (like VARY
> command,  etc.). However people still use "device address" in place of
> device number. We discussed about fifth byte of the device number, and
> nobody was  harmed by usage of "device address". Everyone knew what are we
> talking  about. IMHO that's the most important. Similar "problems": KiB vs
> kB (1024 vs 1000) Unix System Services vs USS Radoslaw Skorupka Lodz, Poland
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