On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:15:26 -0500, Darth Keller <darth.kel...@assurant.com> 

>>>Have you considered EMC DLm or Bus-tech MDL (EMC owns Bus-tech now).
>I have not worked with MDL (which I think is more of a "small shop"
>but I have with DLm.    I've also worked with VSM, but it was always
>>>backed by physical tape.   BTW, the vendor is Oracle now, not Sun.
>So my understanding is the MDL was the HDS version of the DLM - the
>Bustech appliance ahead of HDS storage.  We have an HDS MDL which uses an
>AMS2500 for back-end storage.  It's also my understanding that the MDL is
>no longer available as such.  HDS now sells the Falconstor's VTL instead.
>I would consider the DLM & the MDL to be roughly equivalent.  We are very
>happy with the performance of the MDL.
>dd keller

Thanks for that clarification.  I really don't know the history behind the
Bus-tech and I think I used "MDL" when I shouldn't have to refer to
it pre- HDS (or is that not even correct).   Was the original just
called "MAS" (Mainframe Appliance for Storage). 

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
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