Yeah, but ACME brand disk can't do a million IOPS (even bigger grin)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
> Behalf Of R.S.
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Tapeless solution (IBM or Sun) Enterprise class
> W dniu 2012-03-29 06:31, Ron Hawkins pisze:
> > Darth,
> >
> > You said " HDS now sells the Falconstor's VTL instead."
> >
> > To be pedantic, that's not entirely true. We have a lot of successful
> > Falconstore implementations on the dark side of the computer room, but
> > for mainframe you need something that virtualizes mainframe tape
> > drives like Luminex or Secure Agent, and hands off the data to
> > Falconstore. We can use VSP, AMS, or virtualized ACME brand disk as
> > the back store with this solution.
> ...or even ACME brand disk + Luminex? <vbg>
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> --
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