It's boring. Another example for USS meaning Unix system services, not Unformatted system services. Yes, IBMer do use USS for Unix SS, regardless it is "official" or not official. And yes we can discuss what the acronym is and what is IBM authority to authorize the acronyms since it part of the English language. AFAIK English language is not a product of IBM, so I can freely use USS for USS Pampanito (I visited it in San Francisco) without IBM approvement.

And yes there are two or three IBM-MAIN members (I call them fundamentalists) who fight for the only usage of USS acronym. The rest, about 4,500 f*ck the idea of the only meaning of saint USS_Acronym. They don't care. They udnerstand that many acronyms are overloaded and the meaning of the acronym should be explained explicitly or should be obvious from the context.

So, my idea is to consequently ignore emails from USS fundamentalists and not to discuss about USS meaning. It is nonsense to discuss with 1 (up to three) persons about USS acronym meaning. This is NOT the purpose of the group. Let's back to discussion about mainframes, z/OS, USS (UNIX System Services), USS (Unformatted System Services), VTAM, SNA, TCPIP, SMS, RACF, CSI, CSI (guess why I used it TWICE), HCD, etc. etc.
This is not forum about one persons idee fixe or fobia.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2012-04-24 21:17, Mark Zelden pisze:

There are? I see only one:
See unformatted system service.

And this very recent APAR describes a problem with a zFS loop in
renaming processing after a BPX1REN ( rename, rename() ) syscall from
Unformatted System Service.   No wonder it caused a loop!<g,d,&  r>

   APAR Identifier ...... OA38688      Last Changed ........ 12/04/13

   Symptom ...... LP LOOP              Status ........... CLOSED  PER
   Severity ................... 2      Date Closed ......... 12/04/13
   Component .......... 5696EFS00      Duplicate of ........
   Reported Release ......... 3B0      Fixed Release ............ 999
   Component Name ZFS ZSERIES FIL      Special Notice           HIPER
   Current Target Date ..12/06/29      Flags
   SCP ...................               FUNCTIONLOSS
   Platform ............

   Status Detail: APARCLOSURE - APAR is being closed.

   PE PTF List:

   PTF List:
   Release 3B0   : PTF not available yet
   Release 3B0   : Relief is available in the form of: AA38688
   Release 3D0   : PTF not available yet
   Release 3D0   : Relief is available in the form of: BA38688

   Parent APAR:
   Child APAR list:

   A loop in zFS rename processing ( ZFSRENAM ) occurred after a
   BPX1REN ( rename, rename() ) syscall from USS.
   The token structure on the rename consists of the source
   directory vnode and the source vnode and the new token structure
   of the target directory vnode and the target vnode. The trace
   has shown the source directory vnode being the same as the
   target vnode which is incorrect and drove the loop.


   * USERS AFFECTED: zFS Release 11 and zFS Release 13            *
   *                 zFS FMID:HZFS3B0 and FMID:HZFS3D0            *
   * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: A loop in zFS rename processing         *
   *                      ZFSRENAM  occurred after a              *
   *                      BPX1REN syscall from USS was made.      *
   * RECOMMENDATION: APPLY PTF                                    *
   The vnodes for the operation are passed as input to zFS by the
   USS. The sdevp should not be the same as tdevp.

   A validity check of the input vnodes was added. In addition,
   code was added to ctkc_Lock4Vnodes to exit the loop if we are
   in recovery.

   * HIPER *

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