In a recent note, Walt Farrell said:

> Date:         Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:41:59 -0400
> On 4/24/2006 7:28 AM, Steve Flynn wrote:
> > ...snipped...
Is FTP  GDG-savvy?  There's a long litany of problems accessing
GDG generations by any method other than JCL DD allocation.

I see:

4.8 "z/OS V1R7.0 Comm Svr: IP User's Guide and Commands"

4.8 Generation data group support                                               
   ... You cannot use FTP to create a new GDG, ...

And, in the next paragraph:

   ... Therefore, when creating a new GDG [ ... ], at least one of the
   following must be true: ...

???  So, they tell me I can't do it, then proceed to tell me the
rules for doing it?  Needs editorial revision.

Wherein I note:

4.2.4 "z/OS V1R7.0 Comm Svr: IP User's Guide and Commands"

  4.2.4 DD name support

   The FTP Client API does not support DD name transfers. The DD names
   associated with a batch job that invokes an application program using
   the FTP Client API are not available to the spawned FTP client process.

That's pretty harsh.  What was the design rationale for spawning
the client process rather than using a more DD name friendly
mechanism such as ATTACH?  Is there any security concern that
would preclude running an FTP server task in the same address
space as the caller?

But, I wondered, could one use DYNALLOC (BPXWDYN) to capture the
volume and provide that to FTP?

So, in the same publication:

5.34 "z/OS V1R7.0 Comm Svr: IP User's Guide and Commands"

5.34 LOCSIte subcommand--Specify site information to the local host

   Specifies the volume serial number for allocation of new data sets.

Alas, the operant word is "new".  What was the design rationale
for not applying LOCSITE VOLUME likewise to existing data sets?

I note that the API restriction does not apply to invoking
FTP in a batch job step.

-- gil

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