On Fri, 7 Jul 2006 12:27:57 -0500, Tom Schmidt 

>On Fri, 7 Jul 2006 10:12:14 -0700, Dennis Leong wrote:
>>I have a SMS managed dataset that is on master catalog that needs to be
>>added to linklst and is accessed by 2 lpars.  We are sharing dasd.   I can
>>only get it to catalog on one master catalog correctly.
>How about sharing the master catalog between the 2 LPARs?  Then you
>wouldn't have this "he said-she said" game between your 2 existing master
>catalogs and the remainder of your problem would be simple.  (Sysplex it.)
I agree that's the best answer.

If the HLQ is SYS1, AMS will allow you to recatalog it in another

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