I have a SMS managed dataset that is on master catalog that needs to be added to linklst and is accessed by 2 lpars. We are sharing dasd. I can only get it to catalog on one master catalog correctly. That is, on the 2nd master catalog the dataset does not have its sms storclas and mgmtclas attributes.
You probably did a DEFINE NONVSAM to put it in the second mastercat. For SMS datasets, you must include the RECATALOG operand to pick up the SMS data from the NVR in the VVDS, e.g,


Do a DELETE NOSCRATCH to get it out of the second mastercat, then do the DEFINE as above.

However, not having the SMS info in the catalog is probably not a big issue. The same info is stored in the NVR and I think the NVR is used when it is needed. You probably don't need to fix this

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
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