IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU> wrote on 08/16/2006 07:01:12 PM:
> I'm having a disagreement with IBM Support for a product. I need to quote > chapter and verse (of doc that may not even exist) on the use of FORCE. I > have found a situation that requires use of FORCE if parts of Unix System > Services are brought down prior to shutting the product down. The product > can be canceled (but not stopped) up to the point it gets an EC6 abend; > once it gets an EC6 abend, a cancel is ignored. Level 2 says the problem > is in the order we are doing our shutdown. I contend he is right but that > doesn't justify need of the FORCE. > > BTW, that's a real "temination at end of memory" FORCE, not a FORCE,ARM. > > In the PMR I said that need for a FORCE represents a bug, but I don't > really know if that is true. Is there any official IBM take on this? I > can feel a "broken as Designed" in the wings, but I doubt need for a FORCE > was really part of the design. > I looked at the PMR, and it does not mention a dump of the address space in question after the CANCEL was done. A dump would be required to figure out what is going on before trying to decide if there is a problem which could be fixed. In general, the need for FORCE does not necessarily mean there is a bug. It depends on the specifics of the situation in question. Jim Mulder z/OS System Test IBM Corp. Poughkeepsie, NY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at