Thanks for the reply Rex. Yes, IEASYSAW is the member used during the IPL. From the logs -
"*IEA247I USING IEASYSAW FOR z/OS 01.04.00 HBB7707" IEASYSAW contents - CLOCK=00, SELECT CLOCK00 CLPA, CMB=(UNITR,COMM,GRAPH,CHRDR), ADDITIONAL CMB ENTRIES . . . LPA=DB, SELECT LPALST00 MAXUSER=250, SYS TASKS PLUS INITS PLUS TSOUSERS MLPA=DI, DI FOR IMS in IEASYSAW LPA is given as DB. In the LPALSTDB file the **.SDFHLPA is added correctly. LPALSTDB file - . . SYS1.SICELPA, SYS1.CICSTS31.CICS.SDFHLPA(DSK32E), CICSTS22.CICS.SDFHLPA(S4CIC1), . . from the replies I understand that specifying CLPA parameter in IEASYSAW will automatically enable CLPA during IPL and all the **.SDFHLPA members will be added to the LPA area. In that case my environment is CLPA enabled. Is there a way to check the contents of LPA area? Is there any other reason for the modules not included in the LPA area? -Jerry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at