>IIRC, you can still get a "audit trail" of what TSO commands a user invokes, 
>but not under ISPF.

TSOMON ($$) will track even under ISPF.

>Sooner or later, even auditors have to realize that certain people must be 
>"trusted" to do their jobs correctly.

It's not the auditors.
It's a compliance issue; the auditor does/should not determine what to track.
Rather, they require reporting on what is required to monitor compliance.

It's a true separation of duty (generic terminology):

1. Standards Officer -- determines what are "best practices".
2. Auditor -- reports on which standards are(n't) being met.
3. Compliance Officer -- enforces standards.

Too many people are 'afraid' of auditors, but in a 'proper environment', they 
have no enforcement capabilities.

If there is no true separation of duty, then there is a potential for conflicts 
of interest!

When in doubt.

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