Checkout out the CATSCRUB function of Catalog RecoveryPlus from
Mainstar/Rocket Software:

Bob Richards 

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Harold Zbiegien
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:02 PM
Subject: delete noscratch performance at DR

We have a performance problem I am trying to improve.

When we do our Disaster recovery tests we wind up do a large amount of 
delete noscratch against our user catalogs. We basically uncatalog all
our disk datasets leaving just the tape datasets in the catalogs.  The 
catalogs are restored along with full pack restores of certain volumes.
then selectively restore our needed disk datasets, almost always to 
different volsers than in production.

Well we generate the IDCAMS delete noscratch statements in about 20
but then running the acutal IDCAMS deletes takes upwards of 80 minutes
uncatalog 92,000 entries from our largest user catalog.  We delete them
alphabetical order.

Do you know of anyway I can SPEED up this process??

The job runs unconstrained.  It pretty much is the only thing running in
system, it (CATALOG address space) must be doing a huge amount of IO.

I though perhaps deleteing things in reverse alphabetical order might 
improve things but that is just a wild guess. 
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