Thanks for pointing this out Ed. 

I agree with the other responders that  Single Object Operations what is 
implied here. 

More interesting though is the recommendation to use this method. I 
suppose a change 
has been made in z/OS 1.8 as I've always seen it recommended that to CF 
the CHP offline to
the OS and only use this technique as a last resort. 

Does some release of zVM play nicely with this technique? 


As a software developer, doing part time sysprog work, I will yield to 
the expertise on this forum to set me straight on system programming 
matters. Here's my latest puzzler:

"z/OS V1.8 System Commands" contains the following in the discussion of 
the CONFIG CHP command:

<IBM Documentation>
Note that if you have systems running on a processor at the z990 level 
or higher, you can automatically reconfigure channel paths on and 
offline using the hardware management console (HMC) instead of issuing 
the CONFIG command.  On a z990, you may have multiple logical channel 
subsystems, which means that if an ESCON card fails, you need to 
reconfigure 15 channels being used across 30 different partitions in 
each logical channel subsystem. Automatic CHPID reconfiguration lets you 
issue a reconfiguration request centrally from HMC, which in turn 
triggers the z/OS systems in each partition to issue the CONFIG command. 
Then only those partitions that cannot process the request or are not 
running on a z990 level processor or higher need to be individually 
reconfigured with the CONFIG command.
</IBM Documentation>

This seems to imply that I can configure a CHP offline for the CEC (or 
maybe for a CSS?) at the HMC and all of the attached LPARs will 
automatically take action. Sounds great! The only problem is, I can't 
figure out how to do it on my new z9BC HMC. Of course, it's always 
possible that I'm just thoroughly confused about what's being described 
in the book.

On the HMC, under "Operational Customization", I have "Configure Channel 
Path On/Off". When I drag the CEC to the icon, I get the following error:

"Object is not an acceptable type of object for the task"

I can drag "CPC Images" (or any group of Images) to the icon, and get a 
list of the LPARs in the group. The instructions in the dialog box say, 
"This task can only be performed with a single target object". Indeed, 
only one LPAR may be selected at a time.

So what am I missing? Where's the new functionality? How is a 
one-at-a-time, by LPAR, request from the HMC better than a 
one-at-a-time, by LPAR, CONFIG command? (How is it any better than RO 
*ALL,CF xxx across a sysplex?) Is there something I need to enable in my 
IODF, IOCDS, HMC, or SE to make the functionality worthwhile?

Any clarification will be very much appreciated.

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