On Jan 7, 2007, at 3:45 PM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 01/06/2007
   at 08:26 PM, Ed Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

IBM a few years ago introduced a 3838 (?) for number crunching. IIRC
it went down in flames.

The vector facility of the 3090 replaced it.

There did not seem to be a market for such an animal.

Then why did IBM bother with the VF?

Never heard of it so I guess it, that doesn't mean it never existed just an extremely small audience. I don't recall ever hearing anything about VF . I would expect if it were popular that there would be a current model, no?

I am guessing that VF stands for vector facility (?). I don't recall seeing PTF's for it. So either it was extremely small install base or the code IBM didn't have bugs?

I used the scan PTF cover letters and don't recall any mention of it. My memory is far from perfect, but chance are I would have read (or heard from a GUIDE/SHARE presentation of it).



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